Next Prev Next Enter Your Search Terms Below Putting your search in quotes will search on the entire phrase - like "15th New Jersey". Limit to the first 10 20 50All results. Fox's Regimental Losses 11 Ktgimtnt. 13tll low;I 22d Iowa 24th Iowa 3d Kentucky 5th Kentucky 6th Kentucky 15th Kentucky 1st Maine <H. A.) 4th Maine 6th Maine 7th Maine 17th Maine 19th Maine 31st Maine 2d Massachusetts 9th Massachusetts 10th Massachusetts 12th Massachusetts 15th Massachusetts 16th Massachusetts 20th Massachusetts 21st Massachusetts 22d Massachusetts 25th Massachusetts 28th Massachusetts 34th Massachusetts 36th Massachusetts 37th Massachusetts 56th Massachusetts 57th Massachusetts 58th Massachusetts 1st Michigan (S. S.) 1st Michigan 2d Michigan 3d Michigan 4th Michigan 5th Michigan 7th Michigan 8th Michigan 16th Michigan 17th Michigan 2()th Michigan iMth Michigan iMth Michigan -!7th Michigan Division. Me Arthur's G rover's G rover's Newton's T. J. Wood's T. J. Wood's Johnson's Birney's Birney's Wright's Getty's Birney's Gibbon's Potter's Williams's Griffin's Getty's Robinson's Gibbon's Humphreys's Gibbon's Stevenson's Griffin's Weitzel's Barlow's Tlioburn's Potter's Getty's Stevenson's Stevenson's Potter's Willcox's Morell's Willcox's Birney's Griffin's Birney's Gibbon's Willcox's Griffin's Willcox's Willcox's Wads worth's Barlow's Willcox's _00420