Today in History:

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Putting your search in quotes will search on the entire phrase - like "15th New Jersey".

Limit to the first results.
i ith West Virginia 461, 490

12th West Virginia 490

13th West Virginia 453, 490

14th West Virginia 453, 490, 576

15th West Virginia 490

16th West Virginia 490

17th West Virginia 490

1st Wisconsin 2d Wisconsin 3d Wisconsin 1st Wisconsin ist Wisconsin 2d Wisconsin 3d Wisconsin 4th Wisconsin 5th Wisconsin 6th WiM-nnsm 7th Wisconsin 8th Wisconsin gth Wisconsin loth Wisconsin i ith Wisconsin I2th Wisconsin

Cav'y 43, 512, 513

Cav'y 512

Cav'y 512, 513

H. A 512

Bat'y 512

Bat'y 512

Bat'y 512

Bat'y 512

Bat'y 512

Bat'y 464, 512




Bat'y .. Bat'y....

512 512 5" 5"

5'5 Bat'y 464. 512, 513


jst Wisconsin 14, 18, 33, 392, 433

4-41, 512, 576 2d Wisconsin, 3, 8, 9, 14, 18, 33, 36

60, 117. 393. 43', 439. 5'2

3d Wisconsin, 14, 33, 36, 43, 44, 90

394, 432, 436, 448, 512

PAGE. 4th Wisconsin .......... 33, 438, 512

5th Wisconsin. . . .22, 59, 77, 128, 268

395. 436. 442. 445. 446. 46o, 5>2 6th Wisconsin, 3, 14, 22, 39, 117, 215

393, 396. 4°o. 432, 439. 455. 459

460, 512 7th Wisconsin. . 2, 3, 4, 8, 14, 20, 59

60. 117, 397, 431, 432, 445, 45i

461, 5" 8lh Wisconsin ......... 4;9, 5*2, 513

9th Wisconsin ...... 432,444, 512, 515

loth Wisconsin ........ 21, 33, 433, 443

513 i ith Wisconsin ............. 461, 513

I2th Wisconsin ...... 22,453,513, 515

i3th Wisconsin .................. 513

I4th Wisconsin ...... 33, 433.513. 5M

I5th Wisconsin. . .33, 42, 121, 448, 513

515 i6th Wisconsin . . . 18, 61, 398, 428, 453

513 I7th Wisconsin ............... 513

i8th Wisconsin ............. 61, 513

I9th Wisconsin ....... 34, oo, 458, 513

2Oth Wisconsin ..... 17, 433, 513, 515

2ist Wisconsin, 14, 19, 60, 392, 433

513. 5'5

22d Wisconsin .......... 448,513, 515

23d Wisconsin ............. 442 513

24th Wisconsin ....... 14, 120, 513, 514

25th Wisconsin ............ 59, 61, 513

PAOK. , 8, 14, 20, 21.34, 399

43<>. 439. 513 .............. 5'3


••436, 437, 513, 5»5 61, 4°i, 5'3 448, 460, 5»3 459. 513 513 513

26th Wisconsin

27lh Wisconsin 28th Wisconsin 29111 Wisconsin 3oth Wisconsin 3ist Wisconsin 32d Wisconsin 33d Wisconsin 34th Wisconsin 35th Wisconsin 36th Wisconsin, 8, 14, 18, 34, 36, 42 400, 449, 451, 513, 524 37th Wisconsin, 14, 20, 21, 34, 59, 401

45', 454. 513

46o, 513


38th Wisconsin 39th Wisconsin 40th Wisconsin 4ist Wisconsin 42d Wisconsin 43d Wisconsin 44th Wisconsin 451)1 Wisconsin 46th Wisconsin 47th Wisconsin 48th Wisconsin 49th Wisconsin 5oth Wisconsin Sist Wisconsin 52d Wisconsin 53d Wisconsin

513 513 513 513 513 513 513 513

513 513 513 513 513


(Includes only such commands as have a place in Chap. XV.)

ist Alabama 556

3d Alabama 557, 563, 568

4th Alabama 560. 563

5th Alabama 558, 561, 568

6th Alabama 557, 561, 568

8th Alabama 562, 569

gth Alabama 561, 563

loth Alabama 560, 563

i ith Alabama 557, 562, 563

I2th Alabama 561

I3th Alabama 568

i4th Alabama 563

i ?th Alabama 562, 563, 564

i6th Alabama 557, 567, 570

18th Alabama 557, 561, 570

igth Alabama 570

22d Alabama 557, 570

24th Alabama 567

26th Alabama 558

32d Alabama 567

33d Alabama 570

jSlh Alabama 570

4ist Alabama 557, 567, 570

48th Alabama 58th Alabama.

564 ! 3d

ist Arkansas 558,

2d Arkansas 567,

2d Arkansas Rifles

3d Arkansas 560, 565,

5th Arkansas

6th Arkansas

7th Arkansas

8th Arkansas

gth Arkansas

13th Arkansas

2ist Arkansas

36th Arkansas

Jones's Ark. Battalion

2d Florida Battalion

2d Florida 561,

4th Florida

6th Florida


570 569

567 569 567 567 567 567

566 569 566

57° 564 567 570

2d Georgia 563


5 th


7 th






I4th I5th i6th I7th i8th


2ISt 22d

24th 26th 27th

Georgia 563

Georgia 565, 568

Georgia 556, 570

Georgia 562

Georgia 560, 563

Georgia 560, 563

Georgia 557, 564, 569

Georgia 557, 563, 565, 568

Georgia 564, 569

Georgia 560, 561

Georgia 565

Georgia 566

Georgia 557

Georgia 565, 568

Georgia 557

Georgia 557.563. 5°4

Georgia 565, 566

Georgia 564

Georgia 556, 564

Georgia 562

Georgia 565

Georgia 564

Georgia 561, 565
