Lossing's Histories
Benson John Lossing, born February 12, 1813 died June 3, 1891, was an American historian and journalist who's lifespan encompassed the Civil War and who's extensive works provided one of the more popular histories of the Civil War from the 19th century. He was a frequent contributor to Harper's New Monthly Magazine. His specialty was the American Revolution, a topic he must have thoroughly enjoyed having ammassed a significant library of reference documents and material covering the subject. His background and ability to collect and compile information in a logical, compelling and captivating manner translated well for the posterity of the record of the Civil War.
Below are links to the various works by Lossing covering the period of the Civil War.
Lossing's Pictorial History of the United States
Benson J. Lossing wrote an extensive history of the United States, from discovery through 1867. In this section we provide the chapters covering President Buchanan's administration, Lincoln's administration and the chapters on the Civil War.