Today in History:

Weather unsettled. After morning worship, stopped at the Barber's Shop for a shave, there being only about my lips to do, a matter of a few minutes, for I have a full beard. I was charged 60 cents, a rascally sum, the man was totally unashamed to demand it. Called on Maria Dunlap, living at 17th and Arch Streets. She was an early resident of Chambersburg, coming to Philadelphia with her husband many years ago. He was a lawyer given to drink and bad habits, thus losing his livelihood and now blind. They live with her son-in-law, a Mr. Wilson. We are bringing to a close, with essays by each of us, on the occasion of this tercentennial of the Heidleburg Catechism. We have our photos taken that I place in my diary at the proper place with their names and city.