Today In History
A Day in the History of the Civil War
Today is Friday, June 13, 2025.
1786 Winfield Scott, army general (Union)/presidential candidate
1809 George Philip St Cooke, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1895
1821 Navy Gustavus Vasa Fox, Asst Secy (Union), died in 1883
1823 Gustave Paul Cluseret, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1900
1825 Benjamin Jefferson Hill, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1880
1863 Battle of Winchester VA
1863 Samuel Butler publishes 1st part of "Erewhon," Christchurch, NZ
1863 Skirmish at Berryville Virginia
1865 Pres Johnson proclaims reconstruction confederate states
That's all for today
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