Today In History
A Day in the History of the Civil War
Today is Sunday, June 15, 2025.
1833 Edward Moody McCook, Bvt Mjr General (Union volunteers), died in 1909
1861 Johnston evacuates Harpers Ferry
1862 Gen JEB Stuart completes his "ride around McClellan"
1863 2nd battle at Winchester Va, ends in Federal defeat; 1350 casualities
1864 -17] Skirmish at Gilgal Church, Georgia
1864 Battle for Petersburg begins as Gen Grant assaults Confederate line
1864 Capt Mendell begins building 640m long ponton bridge over James R Va
1864 Congress passes legislation equalizing pay for Black soldiers
1864 Robert E Lee's home area (Arlington, VA) becomes a military cemetery
That's all for today
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