Today in History:

Today In History

A Day in the History of the Civil War

Today is Sunday, July 27, 2025.


1812 Thomas Lanier Clingman, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1897
1820 John Franklin Farnsworth, Brig General (Union volunteers)
1840 Ranald Slidell Mackenzie, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)


1861 Union Gen George McClellan takes command from McDowell of Potamic Army
1861 Confederate troops occupy Fort Fillmore, New Mexico
1861 Battle of St Augustine Springs, NM Terr
1861 Battle of Mathias Point, VA - Rebel forces repel a Federal landing
1862 Hurricane hits Canton; about 40,000 die
1862 Steamer "Golden Gate" burns & sinks off west coast of Mexico
1864 Battle of Darbytown, VA (Deep Bottom, Newmarket Road) (Strawberry Plains)

That's all for today

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