CSS Nashville, an ironclad side-wheel steamer, was built
at Montgomery, Alabama. Launched in mid-1863, she was taken to
Mobile, Alabama, for fitting out, including the addition of armor
plate taken from the dismantled ironclad CSS Baltic.
However, this work had not been completed at the end of the Civil
War, and Nashville was surrendered to Federal forces on
10 May 1865. She was taken into the U.S. Navy after the War, but
remained incomplete and was sold at New Orleans in November 1867.
This page features our only views of the Confederate ironclad
ram Nashville.
Photo #: NH 76387
Confederate Ironclad Nashville
Drawing made circa 1865. The incomplete Nashville was
surrendered to Union forces on 10 May 1865.
The original drawing is in color. Written in pencil in its lower
left is "Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, with
respectful regards, His Obdt. Servant, Thornton A. Jenkins, Commodore,
U.S. Navy.".
The original is plan # 81-12-2c in Record Group 19 at the U.S.
National Archives.
Photo #: NH 45683
Confederate Ironclad Nashville
Contemporary sketch of the ship. The incomplete Nashville
was surrendered to Union forces on 10 May 1865.
Photo #: NH 45682
Confederate Ironclad Nashville
Contemporary sketch of the ship.