CSS Beauregard, a side-wheel steamer, was employed by
the Confederate Navy as a transport and utility vessel on the
inland coastal waters of Georgia and South Carolina from at least
November 1861. In early December 1864, she helped tow the floating
battery Georgia. Later in that month, Beauregard
was captured at or near Savannah, Georgia.
This page features our only view of CSS Beauregard.
Photo #: NH 51966
"Flag of Truce" boats on the Savannah River, Georgia
Watercolor depicting six steamers, with Fort Pulaski in the left
center distance, circa 1862-64.
As identified on the original artwork, these ships are (from
left to right): steamer Swan, of Savannah; C.S. Navy steamer
Beauregard; C.S. Navy steamer Ida; steamers Livingston
and George Leary (possibly Union ships?); and C.S. Army
transport General Lee.
Courtesy of the Library of Congress.