June 28, 1863
Cloudy. The troops are moving through town again, a continual procession until evening. The drug store of J. Spangler was visited today by Lieut. Todd, President Lincoln's wife's brother. He finally had to be ejected by the provost marshal as having no business being there. Reports come in our neighboring farmers are being robbed, one being shot. Many of these robberies are committed by vagabonds or camp followers in search of booty. The Rebels try to check them, but can't catch them all. One farmer was shot and the body hid in the manure pile. These robbers are mostly after money. The poor farmers are defenseless. All of business places are pretty well stripped, all that is left now are the private houses to be broken into.
Up to this evening, the whole number of troops passing thru Chambersburg is about 43,000; 180 pieces artillary, 3,000 wagons and ambulances. Indications seem to be they are about to leave Chambersburg. It is now 11 o'clock, my mind is weary, sad, and gloomy. So much I cannot even form an opinion.