July 4, 1863
Showers of rain. Reports of terrible fighting at Gettysburg. Captures are being made all around here of Rebel cavalry and infantry which are sent to Harrisburg, their horses and guns being confiscated. The country people are coming in now with their marketing with terrible accounts of outrages that were committed upon them. We were fortunate that the Rebel officers were mostly gentlemen, and tried to hold their savage troops in check, but many could not. I suppose we are fortunate to be alive.
Ewell is at Carlisle and demands its surrender, throwing some 40 shells into town, which did little damage. They burned the gas works where the Carlisle Deposit Bank had hidden its records,now gone.
Gen Smith appeared and Ewell fell back towards Gettysburg. We hear of a great battle at Gettysburg, but as yet no particulars, except the Union forces were victorious. Some public spirited citizens seized the mail (Rebel mail) going thru Fayetteville. Soon a detachment of cavalry was back looking for it, and took 18 prisoners locally for some hours before releasing them; on pain of death if it happens again.