July 6, 1863
Cloudy. Gen. Milroy was dispatched to Greencastle to protect a large wagon train. We hear a decisive battle was fought at Gettysburg. That Lee is withdrawn towards the Potomac and that enormous amounts of supplies and prisoners have been captured. The news gave rise to the ringing of bells and general convivial in the streets. It appears the contest raged for 3 days and was the most desperate of the war. As Lee withdraws towards the Potomac, we hear of skirmishes along the way. One over near Waynesboro and Smithburg. Reports that the Pine Stump Road is filled with broken Rebel wagons and caissons, filled with ammunition much of which is thrown in the mud with a view of destroying it. Also many dead and wounded lying by the roadside, indicating a hasty retreat.
There is a report the Rebels are forming at Marion to meet Pleasanter's calvary which is expected to attack them. Also it is said a cannon was found buried by the Rebels near the place on the roadside.
I met Doctor Gamble today. The Surgeon Rebel in charge of the hospital here. He tells me most of the best men of the South were in this battle, now most of them gone.