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Sherman had successfully cut Hood’s supply lines in the past by sending out detachments, but the
Confederates quickly repaired the damage. In late August, Sherman determined that if he could cut Hood’s supply
lines -the Macon & Western and the Atlanta & West Point Railroads- the Rebels would have to evacuate Atlanta.
Sherman, therefore, decided to move six of his seven infantry corps against the supply lines. The army began pulling
out of its positions on August 25 to hit the Macon & Western Railroad between Rough and Ready and
Jonesborough. To counter the move, Hood sent Lt. Gen. William J. Hardee with two corps to halt and possibly rout
the Union troops, not realizing Sherman’s army was there in force. On August 31, Hardee attacked two Union
corps west of Jonesborough but was easily repulsed. Fearing an attack on Atlanta, Hood withdrew one corps from
Hardee’s force that night. The next day, a Union corps broke through Hardee’ s troops which retreated to
Lovejoy’s Station, and on the night of September 1, Hood evacuated Atlanta. Sherman did cut Hood’s supply line
but failed to destroy Hardee’s command. |