Today in History:

507 Series I Volume I- Serial 1 - Charleston

Page 507 Chapter VII. REPORTS.

The letter from the commissioners of the people of Texas, dated the 11th instant, was deliberated on, and the following reply agreed upon, viz:

SAN ANTONIO, February 12, 1861.

GENTLEMEN: We, the military commission appointed by Major-General Twiggs, have had the honor to receive your communication of the 11th instant while inconvention, demanding of us "in the name and by the authority of the sovereign People of Texas, in Convention assembled, "a delivery of" all arms of every description, military stores, including quartermaster's, commissary, and medical stores and public moneys, and everything else under the control of the general in command belonging to the Federal Government," adding that, "if an affirmative answer is not given to this demand," you submit the following stipulations:

"Do you consent and agree to the following stipulations:

"1. That everything under the control of the general commanding in the Department of Texas shall remain in statu quo until the 2nd of March next?

"2. That no movement, change of position, or concentration of the troops shall take place?

"3. That none of the arms, ordnance, military stores, or other property shall be disposed of before that time, ordinary consumption excepted?

"4. That upon the 2nd day of March the public property in Texas shall, without delay, be delivered up to the undersigned, or such other commissioners who may be authorized to act on behalf of the convention?"

To the first of the foregoing interrogatories were the honor to state that we are willing that everything shall remain in statu quo until the 2nd day of March next, provided that the general commanding the department shall not receive orders from high authority than himself to remove the troops from Texas, or find it necessary to resist the inroads of marauding parties of Indians - the enemies of Texas and of our common country - o attack upon the troops or military posts in Texas by irresponsible parties coming from any quarter whatsoever.

With regard to your second proposition, it is hereby agreed that no movement or change of position of the troops shall take place unless the commanding general shall find it necessary to act under the contingencies mentioned in the next preceding answer.

To the third question we reply, that as it is not the intention of the commanding general to dispose of, or to place out of reach of the authorities of Texas, any of the property otherwise than to meet with it the common wants of the military service, so do we agree to your proposition.

And to your last inquiry we have to remark that a compliance with the demands of Texas, whether made through you or other commissioners appointed for the purpose, will be yielded under the following conditions, viz: That the moneys in the considered as peculiarly a matter of individual accountability to the Treasury of the United States by those officers, involving the responsibility of their bondsmen, and being necessary for the payment of the troops and debts already contracted in Texas, they will not be relinquished on the demand of Texas. That the troops now in the Department of Texas shall retain their legitimate arms in possession, and march out of Texas with them, the requisite ammunition, clothing, and camp and garrison equipage, quartermaster's stores, subsistence, medical and hospital stores, and such means of transportation of every kind as may be necessary for an efficient and orderly movement of the troops from Texas, prepared for attack or defense against any aggression from any source. That the officers of the general staff at department headquarters, their families and movable property, shall be transported in their agrees from Texas by the public means now at this depot, which means shall be retained for that purpose; and when such service shall have been performed, the said means shall be surrendered to the regularity-authorized persons to receive them. That all property delivered up to the authorities of Texas under the foregoing stipulations shall be receipted for by agents appointed by said authorities.

We are, gentlemen, very respectfully, your obedient servants,


Major and Quartermaster.


Paymaster, U. S. Army.


Captain of Ordnance,

Military Commission.

Messrs. THOS. J. DEVINE,



Commissioners on behalf of the Convention of the People of Texas.

Page 507 Chapter VII. REPORTS.