Today in History:

642 Series I Volume I- Serial 1 - Charleston


"Resolved, That this council de earnestly deprecate a hostile collision in their midst between the forces of the State and the United States troops stationed at the arsenal, and hope that same may be avoided if it can possibly be done consistently with a proper sense of duty and honor on the part of those upon whom rests the responsibility of a collision and the deplorable consequences that would inevitably result from it.

"Resolved further, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the governor of the State, and also a copy of the same of the officer in command of the arsenal at this place."

A true copy from the record:



Acting Recorder pro tem.

[Inclosure D.]

:Whereas many good citizens of this State have come to Little Rock in obedience to what they supposed to be the orders of the governor, to assist in taking the U. S. Arsenal at this place; and whereas the governor disavows such orders as being without his authority or sanction: Therefore,

"Resolved, As the opinion of this meeting, that tit is the duty of the governor to assume the responsibility of this movement or to interpose his authority and influence to prevent it.

"Resolved further, That in case there be, in opinion of the governor, any danger or necessity for seizing the arsenal, we earnestly recommend him,as the only way to prevent the effusion of blood, to order the same to be done in his official capacity and in the name and by authority of the State, and to that end that he make an official demand upon the officers in charge of the arsenal to surrender the same to the State authorities.

"Resolved further, That in our opinion the governor, as the executive head of the State, may rely upon the sympathy and co-operation of all good citizens in what he may do by authority of the State and her organized military power.

"The foregoing resolutions were, this 6th day of February, 1861, unanimously adopted by a mass meeting of the citizens of Little Rock, Arkansas.



"JOHN D. KIMBELL, Secretary."

LITTLE ROCK, ARK., February 12, 1861.

SIR: I have the honor herewith to inclose for the information of the President the originals of four papers relative to my withdrawal from Little Rock Arsenal with my command of the 8th instant.

I forwarded by mail copies of these papers on the 9th of this month, and now inclose the originals by General S. H. Hempstead, of Little Rock, a reliable gentleman, who has politely offered to deliver to you any communication I may wish to send.

For any additional information concerning my retiring from Little Rock I have the honor to refer you to my letters of previous dates. I shall also be most happy to explain any point relative to the matter which may not appear clear already from my past communications.

I beg also to refer to Adjutant-General to the bearer of this, General Hempstead, for much information which it did not appear to me