Today in History:

119 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek


move my regiment sufficiently far and beyond his to flank the enemy. The fight along our right as we moved up was very fierce and hotly contested. When I thought the five companies I had with me of my command had moved sufficiently far, I ordered a charge upon the enemy. This was done, with a shout for Texas. The enemy was thrown into considerable confusion. Some of them left without firing their guns, others stood still under we had nearly rode upon them, then fired and fled; others concealed themselves in the bushes and shot at use as we passed. Several of my men were killed and wounded in this charge. I would have attempted to charge the main body of the enemy's forces still farther to our right, but for the fact that we would have been exposed to the fire not only of the enemy, but of our own guns. It was very evident that they were embarrassed by the cavalry force, which still flanked them, and were at a loss what to do. This gave our army encouragement and enabled them to strengthen their position. The enemy moved several wagons and a portion of their force back. Soon they showed themselves beyond us in considerable numbers, supported by what I took to be three pieces of artillery. They were intimidated, and were never brought into the action.

At this time the firing seemed considerably to abate on both sides. Here I remained for some time watching the movements of the enemy. Being entirely separated from the rest of our army, I then moved my companies back, so as to support our infantry on their left, at which point I sent to General McCulloch, and received orders from him to take position on a hill north of and near the main road. Here I was joined by the balance of my command.

I was informed that Colonel Sigel, with about 200 men, with two pieces of artillery, had left the field with the intention of burning or destroying our train, which was just coming up from Fort Smith. I immediately forwarded Captains Mabry's and Russell's companies, also a company from Lieutenant-Colonel Major's command, to follow after and capture from Lieutenant-Colonel, Major's command, to follow after and capture said Sigel and command, which they did.

For a more specific account of what they did you are referred to the report made to be by Captain Mabry, marked Exhibit A,* and hereunto attached.

Soon after this I was ordered to report at headquarters. I was sent with my regiment, accompanied by Colonel Carroll and his regiment out to follow after and capture a body of the enemy, who it was said had left in an easterly direction with some artillery. After we had gone about 2 miles it was evident, from the head and wounded along the road, that some one in advance of us had followed up the enemy. I afterwards ascertained that it was when the companies sent by me had passed them. When we had reached the place where the enemy's cannon had been captured, and most of those who had been with it either captured or killed, we took a road leading to Springfield. This road we followed for several miles. Finding none of our enemies who had been in the engagement, we returned to the battle-field about sundown. Colonel Carroll's regiment, co-operated with me in most of the movements of the day.

Captain Dalrymple's company, from Arkansas, which had previously been attached to my command, it is due to say, conducted itself very gallantly.


*Not found.
