24 Series I Volume VI- Serial 6 - Fort Pulaski - New Orleans
Page 24 | COASTS OF S. C., GA., AND MIDDLE AND EAST FLA. Chapter XV. |
Ninth [Eleventh] Regiment, to wit: The Beaufort Artillery, Captain Stephen Elliottt; Colleton Rifles, Captain Anderson, and Captain [J. J.] Harrison's company of infantry; six companies of the Twelfth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, to wit, Company A, [W. H.] McCokle; Company C, Captain [H. C.] Davis;Company D, Captain [E. F.] Bookter; Company E, Captain Hinson; Company F, Captain [Hayne] McMeekin, and Company I, Captain [N. B.] Valandingham, and a small detachment of Captain Screven's company of Beaufort Geurillas, under Lieutenant Youmans. My staff consisted of Lieutenant W. H. Talley, adjutant; Dr. E. B. Turnipseed, surgeon; Captain T. I. Bell, quartermaster; Captain E. A. Rabb, commissary; Rev. C. B. Betts, chaplain, and Mr. Robert Chisolm, volunteer on staff. The entire force on the island, inclusive of field, staff, and company officers, was 619. Lieutenant-Colonel Barnes, of the Twelfth Regiment, was placed in command of the six companies of that regiment and Captain Anderson's command of the work known as Fort Beuregard with his own company and Captain Harrison's. The detachment of Captain Screven's company was ordered to report directly to men.
Monday, the 4th instant, the enemy's fleet made its apprearance early in the morning, and crossing the bar came to anchor to the south of and opposite the island, but made no further demonstration of an attack on our position during that day.
In the afternoon Commodore Tatnall, with three small steamers, attacked the nearest of the enemy's vessels, and after sustaining a heavy fire and replaying most gallantly, retired slowly up the river.
Tuesday morning, in view of the uncertainly of the point and mode of attack, the following disposition was made of the companies of the Twelfth Regiment: Companies A and D were posted in rear of a range of sand hills, distant about 200 yards from Fort Beauregard, for the purpose of protecting that work in case of an attempt of the enemy to land; Companies C and E took position near Captain Anderson's company at the Narrows, and Companies F and I were held at the camp of the regiment, being about equidistant between the detachments, so as to support either.
Between 7 and 8 o'clock Commodore Tatnall's steamers again advanced and engaged the enemy, who met the attack in such numbers and with such weight of metal that the little steamers were compelled again to retreat above the forts. The enemy followed, firing upon the steamers till within range of our guns, when Fort Beauregard joined in the conflict, and drew a heavy fire of shot and shell, principally the latter, upon that work and the other portions of the island occupied by our troops. This engagement lasted nearly two hours, when the enemy's fleet withdrew and assumed very nearly its former position opposite our island, which it retained for the remained of the day.
The only casualties on our part were those stated in Captain Ellitt's report, herewith transmitted, as resulting from the explosion of a caisson.
The unfavorable state of the weather prevented any further action of the enemy on Wednesday. Thursday morning, however, the wind lulled, and the water was unusually smooth. Of this the enemy availed himself, and at 8.30 a. m. fleet of war vessels, headed by what is supposed to have been the Minnesota, bore towards the northwest, till, reaching the mavin channel, they moved directly towards our batteries. As soon as they came within range Fort Beauregard opened upon the vessels in advance, which, being seconded by Fort Walker and replied to by the enemy, the action became general. About the time of the first move
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