Today in History:

323 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I


five long, weary months in camp, during the most trying weather, he has been unremitting in his devotion to the sick, and yesterday his conduct on the battle-field crowned it all. First Lieutenant Jacob H. Smyser, Fifth Artillery, behaved with great gallantry, and fought his piece with desperation amid the hail of missiles of every description. With but one man left at his piece he brought it safely off. Second Lieutenant Israel Ludlow, Fifth Artillery, behaved with great gallantry, and for so young a man acquitted himself with great credit. I commend him and Lieutenant Smyser to the favorable consideration of my superiors. Second Lieutenant B. F. Rittenhouse, Fifth Artillery, had been left on the road to Savannah with our baggage train, and did not participate in the action. I regret his absence, inasmuch as it deprives me of the pleasure of adding his name to those of his gallant brother subalterns.

The Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, when selected to support my battery, came forward with alacrity. They stood by me to the last, and when the fire of two of the enemy's batteries was concentrated upon us, the shot and shell falling around us, not a man moved. Their gallant commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Anderson, proved himself a true soldier, and had the enemy charged us again, my Napoleons would have been protected by a support in which I have the utmost confidence.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Captain Fifth Arty., Comdg. Bat. H, Chief of Arty., Second Div.


Assistant Adjutant-General, Second Division.

Numbers 103. Reports of Brigadier General William Nelson, U. S. Army, commanding Fourth Division.

HEADQUARTERS FOURTH DIVISION, Camp on the Field of Battle, April 10, 1862.

CAPTAIN: In obedience to orders received yesterday from headquarters of the Army of the Ohio, I have the honor to report that the Fourth Division of the Army of the Ohio, under my command, left Savannah, by order of General Grant, reiterated by General Buell in person, at 1.30 p. m. on Sunday, April 6, and marched by land to the point opposite Pittsburg Landing. The anxiety of the soldiers to take part in the battle which was going on on the left bank of the river enabled me to achieve the distance, notwithstanding the dreadful state of the road over a lately overflowed bottom, in four hours. At 5 the head of my column marched up the bank at Pittsburg Landing and took up its position in the road under the fire of the rebel artillery, so close had they approached the Landing. I found a semicircle of artillery, totally unsupported by infantry, whose fire was the only check to the audacious approach of the enemy. The Sixth Ohio and Thirty-sixth Indiana Regiments had scarcely deployed, when the left of the artillery was completely turned by the enemy and the gunners fled from their pieces. The gallantry of the Thirty-sixth Indiana, supported by the Sixth Ohio, under the able conduct of Colonel Ammen, commanding Tenth Brigade, drove back the enemy and restored the line of battle. This was