325 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I
on his reserves. The powerful re-enforcements which the enemy again had received, which made the woodland in front of us at times a sheet of flame, compelled me at 9 a. m. again to ask for support. The general sent to my aid Battery H, Fifth Artillery, Regular Army, commanded by Captain Terrill. This battery was a host in itself. It consists of four 12-pounder brass guns and two 10-pounder Parrott guns. Its fire was terrific. It was handled superbly. Wherever Captain Terrill turned his battery silence followed on the part of the enemy. Captains Terrill and Mendenhall and the officers and soldiers of their batteries are entitled to the thanks of the Fourth Division.
The Nineteenth Ohio, Colonel Beatty, attached to Crittenden's division, also came to my support. This regiment was ably handled and rendered efficient service. At 1 o'clock, by direction of General Buell, I ordered the division to move, with arms trailed, at double-quick, on the rising ground in front, held by the enemy, which the enemy with much promptitude abandoned to our use. The firing now diminished much along the front of this division, but was at 2 p. m. renewed on my right, on Crittenden's and McCook's divisions, with great fury. The Fourth Division had no more trouble during the action, the attacks on it after 2 o'clock being feeble and easily repulsed, and ceased entirely at 4 p. m.
I desire to call the attention of the general commanding the Army of the Ohio to the distinguished conduct of Colonel Jacob Ammen, of the Twenty-fourth Ohio Regiment, commanding the Tenth Brigade. The cool, wary, and vigorous method in which he fought his brigade, protecting all the while the left flank of the army, gave me a profitable lesson in the science of battle.
To Colonel Hazen, commanding the Nineteenth Brigade, I beg also to invite the general's attention. The gallantry with which he led his troops to the attack was most conspicuous, and he handled them ably. During the long and bloody action the fortitude of the Fourth Division was sorely tried, pressed as it was by such superior numbers, but it maintained itself gloriously. I refer the general to the reports of the brigade commanders for the part each regiment took in the action, reserving to myself only to mention that during the action I rode up and thanked the Ninth Indiana Regiment for its gallantry; that the Sixth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel Anderson, and Twentieth Kentucky, Lieutenant-Colonel Hansom, were posted by me to cover the artillery. This important and arduous duty they performed perfectly, sustaining during the greater part of this long day with the coolness of veterans the fire of the enemy, without being permitted to return it.
The loss of the division, I regret to inform you, is heavy. It went into action 4,541 strong, of whom 6 officers and 84 enlisted men were killed, 33 officers and 558 enlisted men wounded, and 58 enlisted men missing, making a total loss of 739;* more than half of which occurred in Hazen's brigade.
I would recommend to your notice the officers of my staff, who did their duty well on the field. They are, viz: Captain J. Mills Kendrick, assistant adjutant-general; Assistant Surgeon Irwin, Regular Army, medical inspector; Captain Chandler, U. S. Army, assistant quartermaster; Lieutenant Peck, Sixth Ohio Volunteers, division commissary; Lieutenant William P. Anderson, Sixth Ohio Volunteers, aide-de-camp; Lieutenant R. Southgate, Sixth Ohio Volunteers, aide-de-camp; W. Preston Graves, esq., volunteer aide-de-camp; Horace N. Fisher, esq., volunteer aide-de-camp; Lieutenant Horton, Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteers,
*But see revised statement, p. 106.