Today in History:

328 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I

Page 328 KY.,TENN.,N. MISS.,N. ALA.,AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.

April 6, at 1 o'clock p. m., the Tenth Brigade marched from Savannah for the battle-field. Arriving at the river opposite Pittsburg Landing the brigade was passed over on steamboats with the greatest practicable expedition, and on reaching the shore thousands of human beings, who had fled from their colors and assembled here, obstructed the road and caused considerable delay. Reaching the top of the bank with the Thirty-sixth Indiana, General Grant directed me to send that regiment to support a battery less than a quarter of a mile from the Landing The Thirty-sixth marched promptly, and had been placed in position but a few minutes when the enemy attacked the battery and was repulsed. The enemy continued to assail the battery until the close of the day with a large force, but were repulsed by the Thirty-sixth with great coolness and gallantry. The Twenty-fourth and Sixth Ohio crossed the river as speedily as possible, and on arriving at the top of the bank the Twenty-fourth was ordered by General Grant to repair to a point one-half mile to the right, on a part of the line of battle threatened by the enemy. The Sixth Ohio was held in reserve.

During the night I received orders to assemble my brigade and form into line of battle on the extreme left. Strong parties of skirmishers were sent forward to examine the ground and ascertain the position of the enemy, if possible. Afterward the line of battle was formed about 300 yards in front of the battery, supported by the Thirty-sixth Indiana, that regiment being on the left, the Sixth Ohio to the right, and the Twenty-fourth Ohio in reserve, the skirmishers occupying the front and on the alert. The men in line were permitted to rest on their arms until the break of day.

April 7, in obedience to orders from General Nelson "to march forward in pursuit of the enemy and attack him," the Tenth Brigade was put in motion at daylight. The march was made slowly and with caution, the skirmishers examining the ground with great care and to my entire satisfaction. The regiments in line of battle and the reserve advanced in good order, considering the nature of the ground. After marching about 2 miles the enemy attacked in force. The Sixth Ohio having been withdrawn to support a battery, the Twenty-fourth Ohio was placed on the right of the Thirty-sixth Indiana, and two companies, sent forward as skirmishers, engaged the enemy with spirit and advantage.

The Thirty-sixth Indiana and Twenty-fourth Ohio now engaged the enemy with great spirit and gradually advanced, being assisted by a battery of artillery, and continued the fight for several hours, when their ammunition was exhausted. They retired slowly and with great regularity, received a fresh supply of ammunition, and renewed the battle with energy. Two sections of Captain William R. Terrill's company, U. S. Artillery, rendered important assistance to our troops and did much harm to the enemy. Re-enforcements were sent to the Thirty-sixth Indiana and Twenty-fourth Ohio.

The three regiments, assisted by the fire from Captain Terrill's battery, rapidly advanced, and took possession of a camp abandoned by Union troops the 6th. The enemy had disappeared, and the battle on this part of the line ended.

I had expected much from the regiments composing the Tenth Brigade, but their coolness, regularity of movement, prompt obedience to orders, and firm resistance to the continued and powerful attacks of the enemy surpassed my expectations and deserve the highest praise.

To my aide-de-camp, Lieutenant R. F. Wheeler, who was ever ready to go to any point to carry orders or bear information, I am much indebted

Page 328 KY.,TENN.,N. MISS.,N. ALA.,AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.