346 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I
Page 346 | KY.,TENN.,N. MISS.,N. ALA.,AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII. |
nately, at the time his services were most needed, when the brigade was hotly pressed by the enemy, got separated (to us) most unaccountably from it, and rejoined it no more that day in the fight.
Each regiment was then left to its commander, the colonel of the Sixth Kentucky bringing it into line of battle. The brave Nelson, seeing the acting brigadier, Colonel W. B. Hazen, absent, asked where he was. Colonel Whitaker replied, "We fear he is killed or wounded; none of us have seen him since the charge." Generous as he is brave, a pecuniary reward of $50 was offered by General Nelson to any one of the soldiers of the Sixth Kentucky who would recover his body, dead or wounded. Six of Company A--viz: Sergeant Tillman, H. J. Tillman, George Currier, John Combs, John Coffey, and James Shields-promptly stepped out to perform that duty, then dangerous from marauding parties of the enemy. A company of skirmishers was sent forward to protect them. They made most diligent search, but the body was not found, dead or wounded. We, who had never left the field, were rejoiced to meet our acting brigadier, Colonel W. B. Hazen, after the fight unharmed and in his usual robust health.
While in line of battle with the Ninth Indiana it is due to the men of the Sixth Kentucky Regiment to say (having no brigadier) they were ordered by General Buell to reconnoiter the woods in front of the line, which was done. Later in the day they were directed by Captain (now Colonel) Fry to march to the right, in the direction of the Shiloh Church, in support of the troops then warmly engaged with the enemy. This was done. The Sixth was threatened by a body of the enemy's cavalry. A volley or two from skirmishers repulsed them. The regiment encamped that night at camp-field of Shiloh, Pittsburg being left in the rear. The loss in killed was 12, missing 14. After close inquiry I am confident they were killed; making the killed, 26; wounded, 91; total killed and wounded, 117.* Since the fight 14 have died of wounds; making the total killed to this date 40. Twenty-two commissioned officers were in the engagement, of whom 8 were wounded. Total number engaged about 450. The fight when the Nineteenth Brigade was engaged was terrific, and for a while over the batteries was hand to hand. Dr. Joseph S. Drane, the assistant surgeon of the Sixth Kentucky, was indefatigable in his attention to the wounded. The Sixth is also indebted greatly to Dr. Griffith, of Louisville, surgeon of the Second Kentucky, for very efficient service and kindness to some of its wounded. By indefatigable exertion all the wounded of the Sixth were, with one or two exceptions, moved from the field of battle, cared for, and sheltered from the rain of the following night. The regiment remained at the camp-field of Shiloh until the 2nd of May.
When the line of march was begun for Corinth the time going was chiefly occupied in road repairing and bridge building. We arrived at the camp before Corinth May 17. The regiment did its full share of intrenchment, picket, and guard duty, being employed for a while night and day, but it was done cheerfully. While engaged in making the trenches the enemy began to shell us. Their shells fell thick among our men. One fell and exploded but a few feet from Governor Morton, of Indiana. He stood like a veteran. General Nelson ordered out Mendenhall's and Konkle's batteries, which soon silenced the enemy. A great deal of labor was performed in rainy weather, with no huts for shelter, but the men were satisfied, as it was for their country they were laboring.
*But see revised statement, p. 106.
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