351 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I
were met by a large force, who seemed determined to turn our flank, but with the assistance of two companies of the Second Kentucky and a part of the Twentieth Kentucky and three pieces of artillery we managed to check and repel them, driving them before us a considerable distance, when we again received orders to halt and rally our men. We then advanced again and occupied the camps and hills on the extreme left of our lines, throwing our pickets and skirmishers fully half a mile in advance of any position we had before occupied, when we received orders to get our men together and proceed to camp.
I cannot in justice make any distinction in regard to the conduct of the officers and men, as all did their best and acted nobly, but I think it is but fair to state that the coolness and courage of Lieutenant-Colonel Leiper, Major Cahill, and Adjutant Wright, in encouraging and rallying the men, deserve great praise. Captains Barr, Becker, and Hadlock; also Lieutenant Smith, commanding Company F, are entitled to great credit for the manner in which they conducted themselves; also the sergeant who carried the orders.
Colonel, Commanding Regiment.
Lieutenant S. T. CORN.
Numbers 114. Report of Colonel Thomas D. Sedgewick, Second Kentucky Infantry.HEADQUARTERS SECOND KENTUCKY REGIMENT, On the Field of Battle, near Pittsburg Landing, April 9, 1862.
DEAR SIR: I compliance with your orders I herewith submit a statement of the part taken in the battle on Monday, April 7, 1862, by the Second Kentucky Regiment, under my command:
Throwing forward Company A, under Captain Browne, and Company B, under Captain Baldwin, as skirmishers, we moved forward in the center of the division until we gained the ground designated by General Nelson for us to halt and wait for further orders.
Between 9 and 10 o'clock, by order of General Nelson, we moved forward in line to the right, to attack a battery of the enemy that was shelling our left wing. After advancing cautiously for about a quarter of a mile I found that we were on a line perpendicular with the battery. I immediately ordered a change of front to the rear, but before the movement was completed we were opened upon by two regiments of infantry, concealed in a dense thicket that intervened between us and the battery. The fire was so severe that for a moment officers and men recoiled, but we soon rallied, and advanced step by step, supported on the right and left flanks by two regiments (names and numbers unknown). Gaining the edge of the thicket, the fight became almost hand to hand. Here the slaughter on both sides was terrible. Captain Spellmeyer, Company C, fell dead with three fearful wounds. Captains Rodine and Smith, Adjutant Weinedel, and Lieutenants Miller and Alms were carried to the rear, all seriously wounded, and within a space of 30 yards fell over 200 of the enemy. Driving them from the thicket, they rallied around the battery stationed on a small hill directly in front of us. With a cheer our men went up the hill, and in ten minutes had possession of the battery. We held it but a few minutes, when the enemy, re-enforced by two regiments, advanced upon us, and we were compelled to retire.