353 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I
After remaining there some half hour we were ordered forward and to the left to support the First Kentucky. In that position we remained a short time. We were then ordered to the left, to support and prevent the turning of Colonel Ammen's left flank. In these last three positions we were in a galling and destructive fire of the enemy's cannon and musketry. The regiment moved to them in good order, and maintained their positions with steadiness and coolness, and, by prompt obedience to orders and soldierly bearing of men and officers, gave assurance of readiness for any emergency and to meet any danger incident to a faithful discharge of their duty.
We were next ordered to deploy the regiment forward as skirmishers, for the purpose of protecting the left flank and driving the enemy from their position. The regiment moved gallantly forward, and drove the enemy from their position and secured the ground. Owing to the overwhelming numbers of the enemy it was deemed safe to recall them from the pursuit. The enemy again rallied in heavy numbers and renewed the attack on that flank, and this regiment, in connection with four companies of the First Kentucky and one of the Second Kentucky, were again deployed as skirmishers, to support the battery of three guns, commanded by Captain Terrill, who were then engaged in resisting the attack of the enemy upon that flank. The enemy were desperately contesting the ground, and at the time the infantry engaged them had driven the battery back and were fast taking possession of our ground, but the infantry, which bravely yet cautiously and steadily advanced upon them, assisted by the battery, which poured shot into them with deadly effect, after a desperate fight drove them back and reoccupied their ground, and ended their attack upon that quarter. In this hard-contested struggle this regiment acted with a coolness and gallantry worthy of trained veterans, and entitled themselves to the praise and confidence of their officers, and have shown themselves ready to meet any conflict without bringing reproach upon themselves or country. I would not be considered as implying that the infantry and battery which fought with them acted less worthily, but, on the contrary, take pleasure in testifying to the coolness and courage with which they met and returned the galling fire of the enemy.
We were next ordered to move forward and to the right, to hold a position on that flank, which we did; but the enemy having retreated, the engagement was not renewed, and we were ordered into camp, leaving the position in the possession of our forces. I have omitted in the foregoing report to state that Companies A and B were at the commencement of the engagement detailed from my command to act as skirmishers, and did not during the day rejoin the regiment, and therefore I cannot speak of their bearing, but am informed that they acted with bravery and did their whole duty.
I cannot close this report without again alluding to the creditable conduct of both men and officers in the face of the enemy and to the many instances of daring by which they evinced their patriotic devotion to the noble cause in which we are engaged, and only refrain from particularizing because it would be invidious to make personal allusions when all acted with so much courage and bravery.
Lieutenant-Colonel, Comdg. Twentieth Ky. Regiment
Lieutenant CORN,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.
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