357 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I
barked the four regiments of my command from the fleet of boats at Pittsburg Landing, on the Tennessee River, and by your order marched beyond the crest of the hill, forming into line of battle in rear of the forces of Brigadier-General Nelson, the whole force resting on their arms during the night in a drenching rain.
At a few minutes after 5 o'clock a. m. of the 7th instant, by your orders, I moved my brigade, taking position in the center, the movement of the whole forces of your command being directed by you in person, forming on the right of General Nelson, who occupied the extreme left. General McCook's division soon came up, and occupied our right in the line of attack. The forces of the Fifth Division formed into line of battle in front of the enemy, under your immediate orders, along the center, the Fourteenth Brigade thrown slightly in advance on the left of the center.
The Nineteenth Ohio, Colonel Beatty, formed the right of my brigade; the Thirteenth Regiment, Colonel Hobson, the center, and the Ninth Kentucky, Colonel Grider, on the left, with the Fifty-ninth Ohio, Colonel Fyffe, in the rear, as a supporting reserve. I pursuance of orders we marched steadily forward upon the center, the Fourteenth Brigade being still in advance on my left. I halted my command in sight of the open field in front of the right wing of my brigade, and by order of General Buell, given to person, I threw forward four flanking companies of the Nineteenth Ohio and Thirteenth Kentucky as skirmishers, to advance to the open field, or two where the skirmishers could find and engage the enemy, or await the advance of our line. After capturing a prisoner and sending him in, the skirmishing companies of the Nineteenth Ohio were fired upon and driven back, and I ordered up Colonel Beatty, of the Nineteenth Ohio, to take position along the edge of the open field to repel the advance of the enemy in that direction. At this juncture the enemy turned their forces in the direction of the position occupied by you with the Fourteenth Brigade, evidently with the view of driving back our forces and capturing our guns. The Fourteenth Brigade, encouraged and led on by you in person at their head, made an impetuous attack upon the enemy, driving them back with great loss, saving our guns, and advancing our lines. As the regiments of that brigade were withdrawn I ordered up the Thirteenth Kentucky to their position, and ordered the Ninth Kentucky and Fifty-ninth Ohio to my left, where they were placed in position by you. The Thirteenth Kentucky, led on by Colonel Hobson in a gallant charge upon the enemy, drove them back with great slaughter, forcing them to desert their guns, to which they had rallied after having been driven back by the Fourteenth Brigade, under your command. In this charge Colonel Hobson, and Major Hobson, acting lieutenant-colonel, and Captain Towles, acting major, and Acting Adjutant Stewart, of the Thirteenth Kentucky, behaved with great coolness and courage, and, with the exception of a recoil, caused by a portion of Wisconsin troops breaking through their lines, creating some disorder, they steadily led their brave men forward, driving the enemy before them. Major Hobson had his horse shot dead under him in this charge. Lieutenant-Colonel Edmunds, of the rebel army, was killed in the attack.
About this time the enemy, with their battery placed in the thickly-timbered woods across the open field, opened a fire upon the Nineteenth Ohio, Colonel Beatty, at the edge of the field, and with small-arms from the low ground of the field and the thick underbrush to the left of the field, which was returned. The colonel, and Captain Manderson, acting major, holding their men steady, deported themselves, as did their