364 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I
Page 364 | KY.,TENN.,N. MISS.,N. ALA.,AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII. |
for pride and self-congratulation in commanding the Nineteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteers.
Colonel, Comdg. Nineteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
Brigadier-General BOYLE,
Commanding Eleventh Brigade.
Numbers 122. Report of Colonel James P. Fyffe, Fifty-ninth Ohio Infantry.HDQRS. FIFTY-NINTH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEERS, Camp Prentiss, April 8, 1862.
In obedience to your order I respectfully submit the operations of the Fifty-ninth Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, U. S. Army, one of the regiments composing the Eleventh Brigade, under your command, in the Fifth Division, Department of the Ohio, under command of Major-General Buell.
On the 6th instant the regiment landed at Pittsburg, Tenn., marched about half a mile, and bivouacked at about 11 p. m. Early in the morning of the 7th instant General Buell's force moved in the direction of the enemy, General Nelson's division on the left, General Crittenden's division in the center, General McCook's on the right. The Eleventh Brigade moved forward, and soon began to participate actively in what appearances seemed to indicate would be a severe contest with the rebel army, commenced the morning of the previous day. After the division had moved about 1 mile the battery of Captain Bartlett's U. S. Artillery passed to the front, and got into position in front of and supported by the Eleventh Brigade, the Fifty-ninth Regiment opposite the center as a reserve, which position was occupied during the space of about one hour, during which time a spirited duel was progressing between the supported and opposing batteries, on or about the termination of which a heavy and continuous discharge of artillery and small-arms at no great distance to the left showed a strong effort was being made to penetrate our lines at that point, and the Fifty-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteers was ordered to march by the left flank, following the Ninth Kentucky, which was formed on the left flank in a line with the Fifty-ninth Regiment.
After advancing some distance in that manner, until the edge of a piece of low ground was reached in front of the lines, thickly overgrown with small brush-wood, which was being swept by one of our own batteries in the rear, the regiment halted, while Lieutenant-Colonel Olmstead rode back and informed the officer at the battery of our position, who instantly ceased firing in that direction. Skirmishers were sent forward in the mean time to ascertain if any of the rebels occupied the jungle; also to ascertain if any of the Federal forces were in front of our line, as the firing to the front and right was continuing. Lieutenant Temple, accompanying the skirmishers, returned, and reported having seen a rebel flag on the opposite side of the underbrush, and a line of their infantry. The regiment then advanced into the edge of the growth of chaparral, when the firing of musketry was commenced on us, which was returned. At this point occurred the heaviest loss to the regiment, and in the vicinity of the regimental flag Lieutenant Johnson, of the color company, fell, severely wounded, remarking, as
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