368 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I
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forced them to the front in lead of the charge-the commanding officers of companies doing their whole duty. My men (perhaps I may be partial) stood like veterans of a hundred battle-fields.
There were many cases of individual braver which I would like to mention, but circumstances now forbid.
Killed, 5; wounded, 48; missing, 2; total, 55.
Which is respectfully submitted.
Colonel, Comdg. Eleventh Regiment Kentucky Volunteers.
Commanding Fourteenth Brigade, Fifth Division.
Numbers 125. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Cicero Maxwell, Twenty-sixth Kentucky Infantry.CAMP SHILOH, TENN., April 9, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by the Twenty-sixth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers in the engagement here on the 7th instant. As the division of which the regiment under my command is a part did not arrive at Pittsburg Landing until the night of the 6th, the regiment under my command was not in the conflict of that day.
About 6 o'clock a. m. on the 7th the Fourteenth Brigade, of which the regiment under my command is a part, under the command of Colonel W. S. Smith, was moved toward the left of the center of our army and drawn up in line of battle close to the left wing of our army, then engaged with the enemy. The regiment under my command was, as I understand, the position taken on the left of our brigade. We remained in this position until about 10 o'clock a. m., when the enemy commenced a furious attack on the center of our army. The position of our brigade was then somewhat changed, but owing to a regiment not connected with our division coming too close to the left of our brigade and commencing firing, the regiment under my command, when its position was changed, was nearly entirely in rear of the Thirteenth Ohio, and could not then be deployed to the left of our brigade without going before the regiment spoken of on our left. This regiment, which I have been told since I commenced writing this report was the Second Kentucky Volunteers, was in a few moments moved farther to the left, but not far enough; for when I had deployed the regiment under my command as far as I could without getting in range of the fire of the Second Kentucky, about one-half or more of the regiment under my command was still in rear of the Thirteenth Ohio. Our brigade had already commenced firing, and as soon as I made the deployment of the regiment under my command I ordered the left companies to commence firing. The command was obeyed very promptly, and the other companies rushed forward, became intermingled with the regiment whose left was in front, and commenced firing.
Our brigade now commenced a most furious charge, and the greater portion of the men moved forward rapidly with loud cheers upon the enemy, who was posted in a very dense thicket and vastly superior in numbers, drove him for nearly a mile with great slaughter, and captured a portion of a battery; but the enemy massing a very large force immediately in front of us, and being sustained by powerful batteries, we
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