370 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I
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the day. Captain Netter, Lieutenants Taylor and Stanley, of Company B; Captain Mattingly and Lieutenant Smallhouse, of Company C, Second Lieutenant Overstreet being at Savannah; Second Lieutenant Wells, of Company D, the captain being absent; Lieutenant Redfearn, of Company E, the captain and first lieutenant being absent; Lieutenant Earnest, of Company F, the captain being absent, and Lieutenant Higdon being mentioned in my other report, and Captain Farleigh, First Lieutenant Ashcroft, and Second Lieutenant Brown acted with conspicuous coolness and bravery during the charge and also while falling back, and rendered great assistance in getting the men of the regiment under my command together.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Comdg. Twenty-sixth Kentucky Vols.
A. A. A. G., Fourteenth Brig., Fifth Div., Army of the Ohio.
Numbers 126. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph G. Hawkins, Thirteenth Ohio Infantry.HDQRS. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT OHIO VOL. INFANTRY, Battle-field near Pittsburg Landing, April 9, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following statement of the part taken by eight companies of the Thirteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under my command, in the action of April 7, instant, near Pittsburg Landing, on Tennessee River:
After having passed the previous night awaiting orders near the Landing, my regiment, a part of the Fourteenth Brigade, under command of Actg. Brigadier General W. S. Smith, marched out to a position in the center, about 1 1/2 miles distant. The Thirteenth Ohio Regiment occupied the center of the brigade. An advance of the rebels upon our lines took place at 8 a. m., and during a severe struggle and through a heavy shower of musketry this regiment, in connection with the remainder of the brigade, charged upon the rebels and succeeded in capturing three pieces of artillery, viz, two 6-pounders and one 12-pounder howitzer, belonging to the Washington Battery. After spiking one of the guns and meeting with a severe loss the enemy reappeared in force, and succeeded in compelling us, with their fresh troops and superior numbers, to fall back about 400 yards, when re-enforcements reached us and a new line of battle was formed, and in regular order we recommenced the fight under a heavy fire of canister. While charging the rebel battery and retiring from it 4 commissioned officers and many non-commissioned officers and privates fell, killed or wounded, while manfully and courageously performing their duties.
Many prisoners were taken in that encounter,, and from the number of the enemy that lay upon the ground over which we passed killed and wounded, our fire must have been well directed and terribly effective. The attempt to remove the rebel cannon could not succeed, from the fact that the artillery horses were killed by our fire of musketry and the enemy rallied in overwhelming numbers to recover the battery. The enthusiasm and persevering bravery of my command, as exhibited in this charge, were highly commendable. The officers and men seemed
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