Today in History:

198 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


Certificates of disability, approved by the division boards whenever practicable, will also be forwarded to this office through you.

A medical purveyor has been appointed for this army, and will accompany it into the field. He will establish a depot as near the seat of operations as practicable. Sufficient supplies for this army have been ordered to that depot, and it is therefore unnecessary for regiment medical officers to send in daily trifling requisitions, that only encumber the files and embarrass the operations of the purveying department.

Inquiries are constantly made about ambulances. This department has given every attention to that subject, and if a reasonable supply of these carriages is not at the right place at the right time the responsibility for the failure does not rest with the medical director.

The medical officers of your corps you will require to transact their business with you, and through you with this office. When additional medical aid is required anywhere within the limits of your corps you will assign my medical officers, including the brigade surgeons, whose services can be commanded with the least inconvenience to that duty. Frequent communication, both personally and by letter, with this office is invited and enjoined. Your suggestions will always be received with pleasure and carefully considered. Every facility in my power will be afforded you in the performance of your duties and in sustaining your authority. I rely with confidence upon you zealous co-operation in making this the model army of the Republic, so far as depends upon its medical department.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Surgeon and Medical Director Army of the Potomac.


[Appendix O.]

HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, Medical Director's Office, Camp Winfield Scott, April 14, 1862.

SIR: I had the honor to send you a telegram this morning in relation to the disposition of the wounded we shall have in the approaching attack upon Yorktown. To guard against failure I address you also by letter. Considering the number of men likely to be engaged and the very limited and uncomfortable accommodations to be had here, it will be absolutely necessary to send the bulk of the wounded to Fort Monroe and to Washington or some other point North. Surgeon Cuyler very promptly offered to put his sick in tents to make room for our wounded; but his hospital, I fear, will not be sufficient for our necessities.

There is a good road from here to Cheeseman's Landing, a distance of 4 miles, where transports can be assembled to receive the men. They can be comfortably sent from there to any point you may indicate. Please let me know your views in relation to this.

Last night six medical gentleman from Massachusetts reached this camp to serve as volunteers. They were sent by the Governor of Massachusetts by authority of the Secretary of War. Their aid will be very acceptable. I have sent there of them to Sumner's corps and three to Heintzelman's. The Massachusetts regiments are distributed between those corps.

I have to request that the honorable Secretary of War will direct the proper departments to furnish such surgeons as may tender their services