Today in History:

335 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


Battery Numbers 12 (ten mortars; at present it is proposed to put in the 10-inch and five 8-inch mortars), distance to Yorktown front 1,580 yards, bearing N. 20 W.; distance to exterior redoubt 1,900 yards, bearing N. 78 W., and distance to Burnt House 925 yards, bearing N. 9 E.

Battery Numbers 13 (left wing, three siege guns, 30-pounder Parrotts, directed at gorge of right redoubt; distance to Red Redoubt 2,590 yards, and distance to right redoubt 2,100 yards; right wing four siege guns, directed 5 N. of hospital; this wing will embrace the whole Yorktown front, and a change of embrasures of 15 will bring it to bear on Gloucester fort, in all, seven 30-pounder parrotts), distance to big gun 1,250 yards; distance to left salient of Yorktown front 1,625 yards; distance to Yorktown wharf 2,300 yards, and distance to Gloucester fort 3,100 yards.

Battery Numbers 14 (three 100 pounder Parrotts and one 100-pounder James, embrasures to be arranged to sweep from big gun to Gloucester fort), distance to big gun 1,400 yards; distance to Yorktown wharf 2,450 yards, and distance to Gloucester 3,150 yards.

Friday, May 2.-The parallel between right and left branches of Wormley's complete, except about 100 feet of banquette and some trimming of excavation; the whole to be finished to-night or to-morrow. Battery Numbers 11 finished, except traverse; to be put in after mounting mortars. Batteries Numbers 9 and 12 complete, except magazine and traverse. Every effort will be made to finish these by to-morrow night. Redoubt C: ditch from 9 to 12 feet wide and gorge and ramp excavation nearly completed. They can doubtless, with emplacements for guns, be finished by Sunday night. Road connecting parallel across left-branch ravine to be completed to-night. The one along the shore of right-branch ravine commenced to-day. Parallel between Battery Numbers 2 and Redoubt A needs slight changes. Battery Numbers 3: change complete, except traverse. Battery Numbers 13: parapet three-fourths completed; magazine commenced; magazine for reserve in commenced and excavation completed. Captain Stewart reports parties still at work on Battery Numbers 7 and constructing magazine for Battery Numbers 8. Three hundred and forty-eight gabions were made yesterday and 215 issued, leaving 1,374 on hand. The south-branch bridge progressing well. Sand-spit bridge will be commenced to-day. Work on lower crib bridge to be resumed to-day. But one platform foundation remained to be laid last night in Battery Numbers 4. The magazine will probably be finished. to-day. The commanding general authorized two 8-inch siege mortars to be sent to General Smith, to be located near Garrow's Burnt Chimneys, for shelling the works in front of General Smith's position. Captain Stewart was directed to establish a battery for two 8-inch siege howitzers in the small clearing west of General Sumner's headquarters be fired at 12 30' elevation. To clear trees 60 feet high when firing at this elevation the howitzers must be placed 270 feet back from the woods; if 100 feet high, 440 feet back. If fired at 5, they must be 686 feet in rear of trees 60 feet high and 1,143 feet in rear of trees 100 feet high. The position, according to our own maps, will enfilade the Wynn's Mill works, from the further extremity of which it is but about 1,800 yards, and it is but 2,000 yards from the enemy's works at the one-gun battery.

Saturday, May 3.-Battery Numbers 3: extension completed. Battery Numbers 5: extension for two guns ready for platforms. Battery Numbers 13: parapet done, extension for one gun commenced, and magazine ready for earth cover. Battery Numbers 14: revetment completed, magazine ready for