Today in History:

976 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


Killed. Wounded. Missing. ai Command. C C C Brigade staff 2 5th Alabama 1 28 10 171 6th Alabama 9 82 22 255 5 12th Alabama 5 54 6 143 . 12th MississIppi 5 36 8 144 Carters battery 1 4 1 24 Heavy Artillery Battalion 3 13 3 64 Total 24 217 52 ~ 5 Aggregate loss, 1,099. The total number of men carried into action was about 2,200. The aggregate IllillIber present at camp was, however, 2,587. Tue Sixth AIai)allla lost near 60 per cent. of its aggregate force. Some of its lIlCII were (irowned after having been wounded, as they fought at times in a swamp in which tile water was from 6 iliches to 2 P~et in (ICi)t Ii. The right ~Olltl)~llY of the Sixth Alabama was throwii back at right angles to the lille of battle by Colonel Gordon to protect ilis rear, and eligaged tile enemy at such close quarters that its brave comlualider, talotaill 1}ell, after haviug fallen wounded mortally, was able to use his revolver with elkct irpon the enemy. This company f6ught with great litroism. Its loss was 21 killed and 23 wounded out of a total of 55. Respectfully submitted. R. E. RODES, Brigadier- General. Maj. J. W. RATCHFORD, Assistant Adjutant-General, Third Division. [Indorsement.] ______ 1S6~ This rel)ort is forwarded at the request of General Rodes, to i)e ])llb- lished with my own, which lie thinks does not (10 Justice to his brigade, and especially to Captain Carter. General Rodes thinks that the battery of Captain Carter had much to (10 with the evacuatioll of the enemys works. The truth is, he tiled but twice at the redoubts. I ordered him to confine his attention to the inf~uitry re-enforcements coming up the road. These lie broke by a well-directed tire, when cx- posed himself to a fire of both musketry and artillery. lie afterward broke a second column advancing to retake the works, anti unquestion- ably the day would have been lost but for his battery. however, I had a full view of the field from my position, and could see 110 movenient toward evacuating, the works till General Rains opened fire on the thank aIl(i rear. Tllis brigade (Rains), unfortunately, did little more. Had he i)ressed vIgorously on the right