Today in History:

1025 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I

Page 1025 STUARTS RAID. Chapter XXIII.

Report of Maj. Lawrence Williams, Sixth U. S. Cavalry, of operations June 13. HEADQUARTERS SIXTH CAVALRY, (amp near Richmond, June 16, 1862. SIR: Agreeably to instructions I have the honor to make the fol- lowing report: On the 13th instant I was ordered to take command of a portion of my regiment and of the Fifth Cavalry and proceed to the support of Cap(ain iRoyall, Fifth Cavalry, who, it is said, was attacked, and whose camp was being threatened by the enemy. I started from my present camp about 3 oclock p. in., and came up with the enemys pickets about 3.30 oclock. My advance fired upon them, and they retired in the direction of Hanover Court-House. On inquiry from a man living at the house where the pickets were stationed and where the engage- ment between Captain iRoyalls command and the enemy had taken place, I learned that he (the enemy) had passed about half an hour before estimating his force from 3,000 to 5,000 men, with from two to four pieces of artillery. This I knew to be an exaggeration, but think that 1,000 cavalry and two pieces of artillery was what was before me. I had 380 men. Lieutenant Byrnes also reported that whilst retreating from the battle-field he had seen infantry about a mile from me (five regiments, I think) on the Hanover road, which came on to the Old Church road about a mile ahead of me. I then sent Lieutenant Watkins, Fifth Cav- alry, to communicate with Captain IRoyall through the woods; to tell him where I was, and if attacked to fall back toward my force by a circuitous route, and that I would protect him. Lieutenant Watkins performed the order with great quickness, returned, and reported the camp burned, and that the enemy had gone past the Old Church in the direction of the White House. I ordered Lieutenant Balder to take a platoon and go on as rapidly as possible until he should come to the enemys rear, ascertaining if possible his numbers and the direc- tion he had taken. He returned and reported that he was still on the road toward the White House. These facts I communicated to General Emory, but he never received that in relation to Lieutenant Balder or the enemys being on the White House road. In the mean time I had received a communication from him, informing me that he was informed by Lieutenant Byrnes that the enemys infantry were in force at the Old Church and to hold my then present position. I also received another from General Cooke to the same effect, with instructions to scour the roads about me and collect information. These instructions were carried out, and I remained until General Cooke joined the command with re-enforcements. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, LAWRENCE WILLIAMS, Lieut. JOSEPH KERIN, Major, Sixth Cavalry, Commanding. Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., First Brigade, Cavalry Reserve. [Indorsement.] Report of Major Williams. which he has been desired to correct and has done so. The only message I received from him was that the enemy was in force between him and IRoyall, and the message I sent back was 65 R RYOL XI

Page 1025 STUARTS RAID. Chapter XXIII.