Today in History:

987 Series I Volume XI-II Serial 13 - Peninsular Campaign Part II



10th Infantry.-Major Ozro Miller, killed July 1.

16th Infantry.-Colonel Powell T. Wyman, killed June 30.

19th Infantry.-Major Henry J. How, Lieutenant David Lee, killed June 30; Lieutenant Charles B. Warner, killed June 25.

20th Infantry.-Lieutenant James J. Lowell, died of wounds received June 30.

22nd Infantry.-Colonel Jesse A. Gove, Captain John F. Dunning, Lieutenant Thomas T. Salter, killed June 27; Captain Samuel J. Thompson, died of wounds received July 1.

29th Infantry.-Lieutenant Thomas A. Mayo, killed June 27.


1st Infantry.-Captain Oliver C. Comstock, killed June 27.

4th Infantry.-Colonel Dwight A. Woodbury, Captain Morell A. Rose, killed July 1; Lieutenant Thomas D. Jones, died of wounds received June 27; Captain Richard G. De Puy, Lieuts. Jeptha W. Bears and Simon B. Preston, killed June 27.

5th Infantry.-Major John D. Fairbanks, died of wounds received June 30; Lieutenant William T. Johnson, killed June 30.

16th Infantry.-Captain Thomas C. Carr, Lieutenant Richard Williams, killed June 27; Lieutenant Byron McGraw, died of wounds received June 27.


2nd Battalion.-Lieutenant Colonel John G. Taylor, killed June 30; Lieutenant James M. Creekmore, killed June 27.

2nd Infantry.-Lieuts. Franklin R. Brookshire, G. G. Carothers, and D. M. Latham, killed June 27.

11th Infantry.-Lieutenant T. F. Nealy, died of wounds received June 27.

12th Infantry.-Capts. J. Dobbins, J. E. Vawter, Lieuts. T. W. Crump, W. B. Thomas, killed June --.

16th Infantry.-Captain James Brown, killed June 27.

19th Infantry.-Lieutenant John R. Sirles, killed June 27; Lieutenant M. B. Harris, died of wounds received June 27.


2nd Battery Light Artillery.-Captain John E. Beam, killed July 1,

1st Infantry.-Major David Hatfield, died of wounds received June 27; Captain Ephraim G. Brewster, killed June 27.

2nd Infantry.-Colonel Isaac M. Tucker, killed June 27; Captain Charles Danforth, jr., died of wounds received June 27.

3rd Infantry.-Captain Daniel P. Buckley, Lieutenant Thomas J. Howell, killed June 27; Lieutenant William N. Evans, died of wounds received June 27.

4th Infantry.-Captain Charles Meves, killed June 27.

7th Infantry.-Lieutenant Adolphus T. Chazotte, killed June 25.


5th Infantry.-Captain William T. Partridge, killed June 27; Captain Thomas W. Cartwright, died of wounds received June 27.

7th Infantry.-Lieuts. Stephen Lange and William Praxmarer, died of wounds received July 1.

12th Infantry.-Lieutenant Henry C. Burton, killed June 27; Lieutenant Edward M. Fisher, died of wounds received June 27.