Today in History:

46 Series I Volume XXXIX-I Serial 77 - Allatoona Part I

Page 46 KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N. GA. Chapter LI.

No. 9. Report of Colonel Israel Garrard, Seventh Ohio Cavalry, commanding First Cavalry Brigade.


CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report that in obedience to your orders I moved my brigade, consisting of the Ninth Michigan Cavalry, Colonel George S. Acker; the Seventh Ohio Cavalry, Lieutenant Colonel George G. Miner; and the First Battalion SIXTEENTH Kentucky Cavalry, Captain Bachmann, from Nicholasville to Lexington on Friday, the 10th instant, and from to Paris and Cynthiana, with the other troops, under command of Brigadier- General Burbridge, commanding District of Kentucky. On the march from Paris to Cynthiana my position in the column was in the rear of the two brigades of Colonels Hanson and Mims, and in advance of the brigade of Colonel Brown. On reaching the enemy's position in front of the town of Cynthiana, the two brigades in front of me being dismounted and deployed, I moved my brigade off the road and formed it in column of battalions and awaited orders. I soon received orders from the general commanding in person to send one cavalry regiment to the right and one to the left of our line of battle, with instructions to attack at once on the extreme flanks of the enemy. I sent the Ninth Michigan Cavalry to the right and the SIXTEENTH Kentucky Cavalry to the left. I then received orders from the general commanding in person to take command of the left wing. I at once rode forward to our line of battle and found the enemy rapidly advancing from their second position upon us. The SIXTEENTH Kentucky, which reached me at the time, was dismounted and formed on the left the line of dismounted troops, and the Seventh Ohio Cavalry was sent for, with orders to move by a route indicated to a position some distance beyond our left, but toward which the enemy was moving. I joined the Seventh at the point designated. When the orders to charge were given orders were sent to the dismounted troops to spare no exertion to keep pace as nearly as possible with the cavalry. The advance movement of the enemy caused them to be caught on very unfavorable ground, and a number of them were captured, but many escaped owing to the detention caused by the high and strong fences which abounded in that locality. The charge of Company H, Seventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Captain Hall, upon the rebels posted among the buildings, stabling, garden fences, &c., of a farm-house, was executed with great spirit and determination and success. The fences being passed the Seventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry continued its movement at a gallop, until the advance battalion, Companies A, B, and C, under Captain Green, came up with the enemy, rallied in a strong position behind a stone wall. The effort to drive them from this by a charge was unsuccessful, and the battalion was driven by a close and heavy fire back behind the crest of the ridge, having met with a loss of 2 killed, 6 wounded, and the loss of 17 horses. The fire was at such short range, and so well directed, that one horse received seven shots. These companies were at once reformed, and the remainder of the regiment kept under cover of the ridge. The SIXTEENTH Kentucky Cavalry, dismounted, had used every exertion to keep up with the cavalry, and were now reaching me. I halted them to allow the men to get their breath after a very fatiguing run over plowed land. They were then sent forward. At the same time three companies of the Seventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry were sent around to

Page 46 KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N. GA. Chapter LI.