Today in History:

636 Series I Volume XLVI-II Serial 96 - Appomattox Campaign Part II

Page 636 Chapter LVIII. N. AND SE. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA.

February 22, 1865-11.40 p. m.

Major-General MILES,

Commanding Second Corps:

Have you any deserters to night? Heth is reported on the move.

Have you any information for us? It is important to watch closely.


Brevet Major-General and Chief os Staff.

February 22, 1865-12 midnight.

(Received 12.30 a. m. 23rd.)

Bvt. Major General A. S. WEBB,

Chief of Staff, Army of the Potomac:

Three deserters have just been sent in, all of Virginia regiments in Gordon's corps. Terry's brigade. Their statements agree in the main; that of the most intelligent is that the long roll was beat in their camps at early daylight this morning, and all the troops were under arms; that an attack from us was expected on their right, according to the talk of officers and men; that later in the morning troops from Heth's division (on their left) came up to their part of the line and said they had been under arm s at daylight and had been told that the Yankees would probably attack the right of their line, and Heth's division was in readiness to move down at once and support their left. Four more deserters from Heth's division, who have just come in, all fully confirm the above, and say that they heard nothing about them making an attack.


Brevet Major-General, Commanding.

SPECIAL ORDERS, HEADQUARTERS SECOND ARMY CORPS, Numbers 46. Before Petersburg, Va., February 22, 1865.

1. The order directing one-tenth of the command to be kept under arms from retreat until reveille will be so constructed as to direct that one-tenth of each regiment shall be kept under arms. A field officer from the full number is furnished by every regiment, and that the require-ments of the order are fully carried out.

* * * * *

By command of Major-General Miles:

Assistant Adjutant-General.

HDQRS. FIRST DIV., SECOND ARMY CORPS, Numbers 53. February 22, 1865.

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9. So much of Special; Orders, Numbers 52, current series, from these headquarters, as directs Colonel William M. Mintez, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, to assume command of the First Brigade during the absence of Brevet Brigadier-General Macy is hereby revoked.

Page 636 Chapter LVIII. N. AND SE. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA.