Today in History:

1062 Series I Volume XLVI-II Serial 96 - Appomattox Campaign Part II

Page 1062 N. AND SE. VA., N. C., W. VA., MD. AND PA. Chapter LVIII.

safe at night. But in any event can pass the obstruct point by land from Fort Anderson to Smithville and keep up communications. Casualties so far reported, 3 killed and 32 wounded. No damage reported to works or armament. Garrison reported in fine spirits. I have ordered obstructions sunk on the Rip to prevent passage of fleet.


SUGAR LOAF, January 15, 1865 - 8 p. m.

Lieutenant Colonel W. H. TAYLOR,

Assistant Adjutant-General, Petersburg:

The enemy have bombardment Fort Fisher furiously all day. At 4 p. m. their infantry advanced to assault it, we at the same hour making a heavy demonstration on their rear. General Whiting at 6.30 reports that the enemy's attack failed. We are now sending fresh troops to Fort Fisher. The bombardment continues.


SUGAR LOAF, January 15, 1865 - 4 p. m.

Flag-Officer PINCKNEY,


The enemy may attempt to interrupt our communications and capture our steamers on the river by barges brought across the Peninsula. I beg you will use much means as you think proper to prevent this, and inform me of your action, so that I may be guided in my own measures.


SUGAR LOAF, January 15, 1865 - 5.30 a. m.

Major J. W. CAMERON,


Make immediate arrangements to keep Fisher supplied with good. Flat-boats had better be sent down to point nearly opposite, and negroes to cut wood, under a reliable man. They can be towed in at night.


Assistant Adjutant-General.

SUGAR LOAF, January 15, 1865 - 8 a. m.

Major J. W. CAMERON,


Telegraph line to Fayetteville being down, communicate by any opportunity occurring following order.*


Assistant Adjutant-General.


* See Anderson to Childs, 7 p. m., p. 1060.


Page 1062 N. AND SE. VA., N. C., W. VA., MD. AND PA. Chapter LVIII.