Today in History:

108 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez

Page 108 W.FLA., S. ALA.,S. MISS. LA., TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.

Dr. Lewis, assistant surgeon, C. S. Army, rendered efficient service to my wounded on the field.

I am, sir, respectfully,


Captain Confederate States Light Battery.

P. S.-At 4.30 p.m. of the 5th instant I took position between Colonels Allen's and Thompson's brigades, filling a vacancy of some 80 yards; moved forward with the infantry line half a mile and opened fire on an enemy's battery, driving them back; moved to the right of the Second Division, General Ruggles commanding, when I opened on a battery with effect at about 250 yards; then occupied my first position, opening on a column of infantry, doing much execution. Was ordered to the support of Colonel Allen's brigade; took up position on its right and silenced a battery. This was my last firing; after which rejoined main forces.

JUNE 14-15, 1862.-Expedition from Pensacola to Milton, Fla.


No. 1.-Brigadier General Lewis G. Arnold, U. S. Army, commanding Western District, Department of the South.

No. 2.-Lieutenant Col. Michael Cassidy, Sixth New York Infantry.

No. 3.-Captain Charles E. Heuberer, Sixth New York Infantry.

No. 1. Report of Brigadier General Lewis G. Arnold, U. S. Army, commanding Western District, Department of the South.

Pensacola, Fla., June 16, 1862.

GENERAL: I have the honor to submit a report of Lieutenant Col. Michael Cassidy, Sixth Regiment New York Volunteers, relative to an expedition to Milton, Fla., under his command, directed by Special Orders, No. 23, of June 14, from these headquarters.

It had been reported to me by some secret agents engaged in my service that a cavalry force of 100 men were in the town of Milton, some 30 miles from here, arresting some good Union men and impressing others into the rebel service. I ordered this command, under Lieutenant-Colonel Cassidy, to Milton, for the purpose of capturing this rebel force and to release all good Union men impressed on account of their opinions or loyalty to the United States. Unfortunately for Lieutenant-Colonel Cassidy, who executed his orders to my satisfaction, and the troops under his command, he found but a small portion of the reported and expected rebel cavalry in Milton, they having been divided into several predatory bands for the purpose of arresting deserters from the rebel service and loyal Union citizens, and driving off cattle to feed the rebel force at Bluff Springs and Pollard, 38 and 48 miles from here, and according to the best information I can obtain without having any cavalry under my command, numbering from 3,000 to 5,000 men, a portion of them badly armed.

Lieutenant-Colonel Cassidy and the officers and soldiers under his

Page 108 W.FLA., S. ALA.,S. MISS. LA., TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.