Today in History:

299 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


of her cargo, which had been transferred to a flat, captured by us. A dispatch was found by General Dwight, in which Governor Moore tells General Taylor to retreat slowly to Alexandria, and if pressed to retire to Texas. General Dwight will push well forward to-day and probably halt to-morrow, to continue his march or return, according to circumstances.

A reconnoitering expedition sent out one day's march on the Texas road has discovered nothing of the enemy. This force consisted of the Fourth Wisconsin, Lieutenant-Colonel Bean, one section of artillery, and two companies of the Second Rhode Island Cavalry.

An expedition, consisting of the One hundred and sixty-second New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Blanchard, one section of artillery, and Barrett's company (B), First Louisiana Cavalry, accompanied by Captain Dunham, assistant adjutant-general, and First Lieutenant Harwood, Engineers (both of my staff), was sent out yesterday morning by way of Barre's Landing to examine the Bayou Courtableau in the direction of Butte-a-la-Rose. Last night Captain Dunham reported the road impassable 4 miles beyond Barre's Landing, and that the expedition captured the steamer Ellen in a small bayou leading out of the Courtableau. This capture is a timely assistance to us.

I informed you in my No. 9 that I had ordered the gunboats to take Butte-a-la-Rose. This was handsomely done, without serious loss, on the morning of the 20th instant, by Lieutenant-Commander Cooke, U. S. Navy, with his gunboats and four companies of infantry. We captured he the garrison of 60 men and its commander, two heavy guns in position and in good order, a large quantity of ammunition, and the key of the Atchafalaya.

I immediately sent the remainder of the regiment, part of which went up on the gunboats, to proceed to Butte-a-la-Rose, the whole regiment to garrison that work and hold in to the last expermity.

This afternoon the steamer Cornie, which we captured at Franklin, has arrived at Washington with supplies, and the other boats are on the way. The depot will for the present be at Washington or Barre's Landing, and our communication will be by the Courtableau and Atchafalaya.

I have just learned from Major-General Augur, at Baton Rouge, that it is reported there and believed by Commander Alden and himself, that Admiral Farragut has been re-enforced by five gunboats from Vicksburg, and has gone to the Red River and the mouth of the Atchafalaya. I hope General Augur will have had signal communication with the admiral to-day.

I inclose for your information copies of two communications from General Grant, dated March 23 and received 20th instant; of one from Admiral Farragut, dated April 6 and received the 21st instant, and copies of my replies. I send a duplicate of my dispatch to General Grant by special messenger via New York.

If, as General Grant informs me, he can well spare me an army corps of 20,000 men, I earnestly request that that force may be sent to me at the earliest practicable moment, and I am strongly of opinion that it should join me on the Atchafalaya and proceed, through Grand river or Bayou Sorrel and Bayou Plaquemine, to Baton rouge. I can supply this re-enforcement from the moment it joins me on the Atchafalaya, provided it brings its own water transportation.

I hope not to be obliged to lose a moment in improving the decisive advantages gained in this section. We have destroyed the enemy's army and navy, and made their reorganization impossible be destroying