Today in History:

759 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez



No. 681. Opelousas, June 20, 1862.

I. Brigadier General C. N. Rowley, commanding Sixth Brigade Louisiana Militia, will proceed forthwith, on receipt of this order, to pour into active service the militia of the parishes within the limits of his command (the parishes of Terre Bonne, Saint Martin's, and Saint Mary's excepted, they being temporarily attached to the Ninth Brigade, Louisiana Militia), and organize them into companies, battalions, or regiments, as the case may be or require, and will adept every necessary measure for the defense of that portion of the State and make every efforts to drive the enemy from the soil.

II. Brigadier General Rowley will place such force as he may deem necessary at exposed point to defend them from the approach of the enemy and to harass them wherever they may be.

III. Brigadier-General Rowley will cause the arrest of each and every individual who gives aid and assistance and comfort to the enemy or against whom good grounds of suspicion exist. He will forbid travel to New Orleans by an route, except under special permits from headquarters. He will compel obedience to his orders, and should any person refuse or neglect to obey any order, he will cause their arrest and imprisonment. Should the offender be a commissioned officer, he will not only imprison him, but destitute him of his commission, appoint another in his place, and report the same to these headquarters for a commission.

IV. Brigadier-General Rowley, in the execution of his orders, will disregard all passes or parolers taken or given by persons who have gone to the city of New Orleans and have returned, and have in their possession any passports or paroles pledged by them to the united States authorities which forbids them to give aid and comfort or give information to the Confederate States, and should any person having in his possession such passport or parole refuse to obey his orders he will cause his arrest and forward him forthwith under guard to these headquarters, to be dealt with as a traitor to the Confederate and to the State of Louisiana. This does not apply to paroles taken by prisoners of war.

V. Brigadier-General Rowley will not delay in making all the necessary arrangements and defenses, and report from time to time his action.

VI. Major General John. L. Lewis, commanding Louisiana Militia, will attend to the strict execution of these orders.

By ordered of Thomas O. Moore, Governor and commander-in-chief:


Adjutant and Inspector General.

HDQRS. LOUISIANA MILITIA, ADJT. GENERAL'S OFFICE, No. 682. Opelousas, June 20, 1862.

I. When nations are at war with each other trading is prohibited. Guided by this universally admitted rule, the Governor and commander in-chief has determined to prevent any traffic or trade with the enemy or with any one for the enemy. Therefore no one will be permitted to convey to New Orleans, or to any towns or points in this State or out of it occupied by the enemy's forces, any goods, wares, or the products of this State. Any and all persons thus offending, or aiding and abetting, will be considered enemies to the cause, and will be arrested and dealt with accordingly.

II. Traveling to and from New Orders or any towns or places occupied