Today in History:

926 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez

Page 926 W. FLA., S. ALA., S. MISS., LA., TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.

of Industry; F. W. Dorbritz, of New Ulm; C. Rungo, of New Ulm; --- Helams, sr., of Roeder's Mill, Austin County; --- Lewis, of La Grange, Fayette County (an American).

There was a draft held here about the 23rd of December in response to the Governor's proclamation for men. Quite a number of them were drafted and a great many were conscripts. These two combined have increased the rebellion to this pitch. The drafted men have continued to refuse to be sworn into the State service on the day appointed by the captain of Industry for the drafted men to be sworn into the service. He was assaulted and driven from the place appointed by him for said purpose; also a friend of his was actually mobbed, by being beaten with sticks, iron bars, & c.

Therefore, sir, I deem it to be my duty to ask for assistance again. Not less than one full regiment of cavalry, to be well mounted, armed, and supplied with subsistence to maintain them while so engaged, will do any good, but would meet with defeat. If there is a force sufficient to vindicate the majesty of the law at once it can be quelled without much bloodshed on our part, but if allowed to remain and mature would require a much greater sacrifice of life and property than if crushed out now at the beginning.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Enrolling Officer Western District Austin County.

JACKSON, January 4, 1863.

Major-General SMITH, Vicksburg:

Get steamers ready at once and send Gregg's brigade as quickly as possible to Port Hudson. I telegraphed Stevenson to-day to have him ready. Tell me to-night when he can get off.

See Stevenson on the subject. Be prompt.


Lieutenant-General, Commanding.

La Grange, Tex., January 4, 1863.


Assistant Adjutant-General, & c., Houston, Tex.:

MAJOR: I feel it my duty through you to lay before Major-General Magruder the following matters; and this is rendered the more necessary on account of the delay that must necessarily result in his hearing from the Governor, to whom last night I sent an express, and our militia laws are so faulty as not to concede authority to any one except the Governor to call out the State troops; yet should an emergency make it absolutely necessary I should assume the responsibility to do so. For several days expresses have come to me from various directions, at first giving mere rumors, but last evening more definite information. Dr. G. B. Robson came in last evening, having been sent by a number of very respectable citizens living in this county some 18 miles from here, bringing me the information that on last Wednesday from 500 to 700 men met at Roeder's Mill, just over the line of this county, in Austin County, and that they determined to resist the draft and conscription to the last extremity; that as soon as the drafted men are ordered out they mean to assemble and resist it; the the meeting was addressed by

Page 926 W. FLA., S. ALA., S. MISS., LA., TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.