Today in History:

993 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


the peaceful citizens irreparable injuries, the authorities themselves descended to recriminations, and the minds of all were embittered by mutual suspicions, whilst in the midst of all this trouble the only true responsible parties took advantage of the impunity offered them by a contiguous territory.

But the propositions which I have the honor to submit to Your Excellency are intended to obviate these difficulties by at once establishing an understanding between the authorities, strengthening the union of the inhabitants, and striking terror in the minds of those outlaws who overrun this frontier, as if it were a territory set aside for the purposes of the first man who should see fit to make use of a pretext as a cause and a crime as a motto.

Prompted by these feeling I transmit to Your Excellency the basis to which I allude, relying confidently that the reciprocity which distintinguishes them will receive at the hands of Your Excellency the adoption which I sincerely desire.

With these motives I protest to Your Excellency the assurances of my particular esteem and distinguished consideration.

H. P. BEE,



1st. The Mexican and Confederate forces will extend mutual aid in pursuing those who may attempt to pass from this bank to the other of the Rio Bravo for the purpose of committing depredations, and to that effect the respective commanders will give each other such notice as they many deem necessary, and when the force of either nation prove insufficient to carry out the pursuit to the full result expected from it, the required help shall be immediately furnished by the other nation; and should it be necessary for the troops of either Government to cross the Rio Grande, that without loss of time in the pursuit of malefactors, Indians, &c., the corresponding notice shall be given to the military authorities of the nearest town.

A sufficient number of well-armed troops shall be stationed at Reynosa, Camargo, Mier, and Guerrero by the State of Tamaulipas, and at Edinburg. Rio Grande City, and Carrizo by the Confederate States. It shall be the duty of the officers to guard the line, especially at the ferries on the river, as also control the boats used in crossing persons from one side to the other; and there shall be adopted such a system of vigilance and espionage as shall keep the authorities informed of any movements intended against Texas or Tamaulipas, so that the said authorities may respectively give each other timely notice thereof.

2nd. Persons crossing from the Mexican territory to the State of Texas or from the State of Texas to the Mexican territory shall take with them a passport, signed by the military authorities of the respective frontiers, to be given free of charge. Those who are found without that document, if unknown, shall be held as suspicious, and consequently detained until they prove who and what they are, and should they prove to be political refugees from either side they shall be considered dangerous, and forced to take up their residence at not less than 30 leagues distant from the frontier, with no privilege of returning to it without special authority from the Governor of Tamaulipas or the general commanding Confederate troops.

3rd. Any stock taken from either side of the river to the other shall