Today in History:

122 Series I Volume V- Serial 5 - West Virginia

Page 122 OPERATIONS IN MD., N. VA., AND W. VA. Chapter XIV.

all off, as I supposed (the corn being thick), but Corporal Hand, Company I, who, when I turned him over, appeared to be dying. I took his musket, all the musket of one of the wounded, and returned to the woods to rally the men. I regret to say that none of them could be found, nor did I meet them until I reached the blacksmith-shop, three-quarters of a mile distant.

Here I found Captain Regur, Company I, with his command. Re-enforcing him with 25 men of the picket, then in charge of Captains Vickers, Third Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, with the latter he immediately marched back to bring in Corporal Hand and any others still missing. He reports that on reaching the ground he found the enemy in increased force, and did not re-enter the corn field, in which I think he was justified.

I should have stated that quite a number of the enemy were in full view in the road when we jumped the fence and charged them, and that each man in the charge, Captain Regur leading by my side, seemed eager to be foremost; nor did one, to my knowledge, flinch from the contest until my order to fall back to the woods, which, unfortunately, they misconstrued into a continuous retreat to our pickets. The enemy seemed to have retreated very soon after, as the firing had ceased before I left.

The 3 wounded men are doing well, except 1.* As near as I can ascertain there 3 of the enemy shot down. The whole affair did not last ten minutes.

The officers with me were Captain Regur, Company I, First Lieutenant Taylor, and Second Lieutenant Spencer, both of the same company.

All of which I have the honor, respectfully, to report.


Colonel Third Regiment New Jersey Volunteers.

Brigadier General P. KEARNY, Commanding Brigade.

SEPTEMBER 2, 1861.-Skirmish near the Hawk's Nest, W. Va.

Reports of Brigadier General Henry A. Wise, C. S. Army.


September 4, 1861.

From Carnifix Ferry I returned to Dogwood Gap, and finding my men very weary with their march to and from the ferry, I rested them for the night, and gave orders for them to move early in the morning upon the Hawk's Nest. Stripping each regiment of infantry down to six companies, or 300 men, with three pieces of artillery, and about 250 cavalry (making in all about 1,250), I marched the day before yesterday morning down to Hamilton's, within half a mile of the Hawk's Nest. Feeling our way cautiously, late in the evening I advanced upon Turnkey Creek, leading the advance guard myself in person. About disk we arrived at McGraw's bridge, over Turkey Creek, and were then fired upon (a very short time hotly) by the enemy, concealed in the corn fields and brush-wood on both sides, and just as we were crossing the bridge. I am proud to say that the guard (Captain Summers' company) stood


*Nominal list of casualties shows 2 killed and 3 wounded. .


Page 122 OPERATIONS IN MD., N. VA., AND W. VA. Chapter XIV.