598 Series I Volume XXIX-I Serial 48 - Bristoe, Mine Run Part I
Page 598 | OPERATIONS IN N. C., VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter XLI. |
the earthworks and rifle-pits of the enemy, at which the skirmishers of the Sixth Maine had just mounted. Here we fought the enemy for nearly half an hour, driving them entirely from the earth-works, rifle-pits, and from our front, excepting those who fell into our hands.
We here lost 2 brave and gallant young line officers, Captains Walker and Ordway. The former was killed a few paces in front of the earthworks while leading his men on, the latter while standing on the parapet ordering the enemy to surrender.
Colonel Allen and Major Wheeler, while gallantly urging their men on the holding the works, were both wounded, the former in the left hand, the latter more seriously,in the back, and was carried off the ground. Lieutenants Hutchinson and Farwell were both badly wounded while nobly doing their duty.
I cannot speak too highly of the conduct of both officers and men, and where all did so well it is hard to discriminate. They advanced under a terrific enfilading fire from the enemy with a coolness and celerity that was most admirable, having double-quicked for some distance with their complete equipments and eight days' rations, many of whom became exhausted while passing over very rough ground and winding ditches, which somewhat broke the alignment, but seeing the skirmishers close in on the intrenchments, gave a yell and rushed pell-mell into the earth-works and rifle-pits. We remained on the ground during the night.
I have the honor to be, general, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Fifth Wisconsin Regiment.
Brigadier General DAVID A. RUSSELL,
Commanding Third Brigade.
P. S.-Lost in action: Enlisted men killed, 7; wounded, 50.*
I would also wish to add that the two companies on the left (D and F) swung around and charged on the rifle-pits connecting the two earthworks, and afterward, with the assistance of another company, drew up from the bank of the river and through the earth-works two pieces of artillery and caissons.
Numbers 31. Report of Major George Fuller, Sixth Maine Infantry, of engagement at Rappahannock Station.HEADQUARTERS SIXTH MAINE VOLUNTEERS, November 10, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to submit to you the following report of the part taken by this regiment in the engagement at Rappahannock Station, on the 7th day of November, 1863:
The regiment left camp near Warrenton, Va., at daylight on the morning of the 7th instant, in company with the rest of the brigade, and marched toward Rappahannock Station. When within 1 mile of the station, the regiment was halted and formed in line of battle in the edge of a wood about 200 yards to the right of the railroad
*See revised statement, p. 559.
Page 598 | OPERATIONS IN N. C., VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter XLI. |