90 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I
Page 90 | KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLII. |
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Captain Prather, Sixth Colonel Berry,commanding
Indiana............... brigade,says, "He displayed
the highest qualities of an
officer in the night fight of
the 19th.
Captain Hicks, Ninety-sixth
Illinois, Reserve Corps.
Named by Major-General GrangerCaptain Urquhart, Ninety-eighth as conspicuous for efficiency
Ohio, Reserve Corps. and deserving especial
Captain Bishop, Twenty-first Colonel Miller,commanding
Michigan, First Brigade, Third brigade,speaks of him as
Division, Twentieth Army Corps. having particularly
distinguished himself.
H. G. Cosgrove, Thirteenth Named by Colonel Dick,
Ohio, Second Brigade, Third commanding regiment,as
Division, Twenty-first Army deserving of special notice.
Colonel Post,commanding
Captain Robert Hale, Seventy- brigade,says he twice
fifth Illinois, First succeeded in commanding with
Brigade, First the division commander when
Division, Twentieth Army Corps. none of the cavalry were able
to do so.
Especially mentioned by
Captain E. P. Edsall, Thirtieth Colonel Dodge,commanding
Indiana, Second Brigade, Second brigade, for good conduct.
Division, Twentieth Army Corps.
Major Gray,commanding
Captain Strong, Forty-ninth regiment, says, "He
Ohio, First Brigade, Second distinguished himself for
Division, Twentieth Army Corps. gallantry and capacity to
Commended by Colonel Berry,
Captain John M. Huston, Fifth commanding brigade,as
Kentucky, Third Brigade, Second conspicuous for good conduct,
Division, Twentieth Army Corps. and also by Brigadier-General
Captain G. W. Smith, Eighteenth
Infantry, Third Brigade, First
Division, Fourteenth Army
Captain Henry Commended for good conduct by
Haymond, Eighteenth Brigadier-General King.
Infantry, Third Brigade, First
Division, Fourteenth Army
Corps. Capt. A. B. Dod, Fifteenth Infantry, Third Brigade, FirstDivision, Fourteenth ArmyCorps.Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Captain Mauff, Twenty-fourth
Illinois, Second Brigade, First
Division, Fourteenth Army
Commended for good conduct byCaptain Walker, Twenty-fist Brigadier-General
Wisconsin, Second Brigade, First Starkweather.
Division, Fourteenth Army
Colonel Stanley,commanding
Captain Kendrick, Seventy-ninth brigade,says, "For his
Pennsylvania Second Brigade, courage, unflinching bravery,
Second Division, Fourteenth and thorough acquaintance with
Army Corps. all his duties, he deserves
that promotion which has too
long been withheld."
Specially mentioned by Colonel
Captain Cullen Bradley, Third Harker,commanding brigade,who
Brigade, First Division, says, "This experienced
Twenty-first Army Corps. soldier has served his country
most faithfully for seventeen
years. He greatly distinguished
himself in the battle of
Stone's River and maneuvered
his own battery with matchless
skill in the late battle on
the Chickamauga,saving his
guns and nearly all his
caissons when deserted by the
infantry,and when almost any
other officer would have lost
his entire battery" and
recommends that he be rewarded
with a commission in the
Regular U. S. Artillery. Major-
General Crittenden also speaks
of him as having "acted with
great energy and effect in
repelling the advance of the
enemy on Saturday."
Is commended by Brigadier-
Captain Leonard D. Smith, One General Carlin as conspicuous
hundred and first Ohio, Second for bravery and efficiency.
Brigade, First Division,
Twentieth Army Corps. Brigadier-General Johnson
commends him highly for his
Captain Peter Simonson,chief skill and bravery.
of artillery, Second Division,
Twentieth Army Corps. Brigadier-General Turchin
says, "Conducting his regiment
Captain Heltemes, Eighteenth in the last charge,
Kentucky, Third Brigade, Fourth distinguished himself by
Division, Fourteenth Army taking two guns.
Namer,rank, and command. Remarks.
Captain W. E. Standart,chief of Major-General Palmer speaks in
artillery, Second Division, terms of praise of his skill
Twenty-first Army Corps. and behavior.
Captain J. W. Church, Fourth Brigadier-General Brannan and
Michigan Battery, Third also Brigadier-General Turchin
Division, Fourteenth Army highly commend him for
Corps. skillful conduct.
Captain Swallow, Seventh "Is deserving of particular
Indiana Battery, Third notice for good conduct," says
Division, Twenty-first Army Brigadier-General Van Cleve.
Commended by Brigadier-General
Captain Aleshire, Eighteenth Whitaker for great gallantry
Ohio Battery, First Brigade, and courage.
First Division Reserve Corps.
Colonel Harker,commanding
Captain Thomas Powell, Sixty- brigade,says, "The country is
fifth Ohio, Third Brigade, First indebted to him for gallant
Division, Twenty-first Army and distinguished services."
Corps. Mentioned for good conduct by
Colonel Post,commanding
Captain Gardner, Fifth brigade.
Wisconsin Battery, First
Brigade, First Division, Commended highly by Brigadier-
Twentieth Army Corps. General Willich.
Captain W. F. Goodspeed, Battery
A, First Ohio Light Artillery,
Second Division, Twentieth Army
Page 90 | KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLII. |