Today in History:

96 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I

Page 96 KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLII.

Name,rank,and command. Remarks.

Adjt. H. H. Clark, Sixteenth U. S. Captain Crofton, commanding

Infantry, Third Brigade, First regiment,mentions him for

Division, Fourteenth Army efficient services.


Major Hampson,commanding,

Adjt. C. D. Hammer, One hundred mentions him for efficient

and twenty-fourth Ohio, Second services.

Brigade, Second Division,

Twenty-first Army Corps.

Adjutant Mundy, Twenty-third

Kentucky, Second Division, Mentioned specially for good

Twenty-first Army Corps.

Lieutenant Duke, Twenty-third


Lieutenant H. G. Shiner, Twenty-

third Kentucky..............

Lieutenant Choate, Sixth Ohio, Mentioned by Major Erwin,

Second Division, Twenty-first commanding regiment,for

Army Corps.
gallant conduct.

Lieutenant Irwin, Sixth Ohio..

Lieutenant Lewis, Sixth Ohio..

Colonel Wiley says, "Deserve

Lieutenant Meline, Sixth Ohio.. special mention for

deliberation and coolness, and

Lieutenant Glisan, Sixth Ohio.. the obstinacy with which he

held his ground."

Lieutenant Hills, Forty-first

Ohio, Second Division, Twenty-

first Army Corps.

For zeal and gallantry and

general good conduct,specially

mentioned by Colonel Wiley,

Lieutenant J. N. Clark, Forty- commanding regiment.

first Ohio, Second

Division, Twenty-first Army


Lieutenant Fisher, Forty-first Specially mentioned by Captain

Ohio, Second Division, Twenty- Smith,commanding regiment, for

first Army Corps. gallant and meritorious

conduct on both days.


A. Townsend, Eighteenth

U. S. Infantry, Fourteenth Army



J. Powell............... Specially named for good

conduct by Lieutenant-Colonel

Lieutenant Embree,commanding regiment.

F. T. Bennett............ Lieut. E. D. Harding............ Lieut. M. N. Hutchinson......... Lieut. O. E. Davis.............!@#$%Adjt. Charles C. Whiting, Fifty-eighthIndiana, First Division, Twenty-first Army Corps.
Lieutenant Davis, Fifty-eighthIndiana......................

Name,rank,and command. Remarks.

Adjt. E. G. Whitesides, One Specially named by Colonel

hundred and twenty-fifth Ohio, Opdycke,commanding regiment.

First Division, Twenty-first

Army Corps.

Adjt. A. B. Case, Thirteenth Colonel J. B. Culver,commanding

Michigan, First Division, calls special attention to his

Twenty-first Army Corps. gallant and soldierly conduct.

Acting Adjt. Emery Malin, Captain Cosgrove specially

Thirteenth Ohio, Second mentions him for valuable

Brigade, Third Division, services on the field, and for

Twenty-first Army Corps. rallying the men.

Lieutenant Sieg. Thirteenth

Ohio, Second Brigade, Third

Division, Twenty-first Army

Captain Cosgrove,commanding

Lieutenant Henderson, regiment,specially mentions

Thirteenth Ohio, Second them for gallant conduct.

Brigade, Third Division,

Twenty-first Army Corps.

First Lieutenant Grove, First

Ohio, Third Brigade, Second Colonel Langdon,commanding,

Division, Twentieth Army Corps. says both were seriously

wounded and afterward

Second Lieutenant Hallenberg,
rejoined, but were compelled

Frist Ohio, Third Brigade, to leave,being unable to

Second Division, Twentieth Army continue with the regiment.


Lieutenant Davison, Ninety-

ninth Ohio, Third

Division, Twenty-first Army

Corps. Colonel Swaine,commanding

regiment,specially mentions

Lieutenant McConnell, Ninety- them for valuable services.

ninth Ohio, Third Division,

Twenty-first Army Corps.

Lieutenant Harper, Ninety-ninth Captain Huston,commanding

Ohio, Third Division, Twenty- regiment,specially mentions

first Army Corps. him and says, "He kept his

position most manfully."

Lieutenant Zoller, Fifth


Mentioned for good conduct by

Lieutenant McCorkhill, Fifth Captain Huston,commanding

Kentucky, Second Division, regiment.

Twentieth Army Corps. Lieutenant Miller, Fifth
Kentucky............... Lieutenant Powell, Fifth Kentucky...............

Name,rank,and command. Remarks.

Lieutenant Thomas, Fifth

Mentioned for good conduct by

Lieutenant Jones, Fifth Captain Huston,commanding

Kentucky............... regiment.

Adjutant Johnston, Fifth Mentioned by Captain Huston,

Kentucky, Second Division, commanding regiment as

Twentieth Army Corps. conspicuous for courage.

First Lieutenant Alfred Captain Simonson,commanding,

Morrison, Fifth Indiana says he was wounded, and

Battery, Third Brigade, Second behaved gallantly.

Division, Twentieth Army

Corps. Captain Simonson,commanding,

says he saved the battery on

Lieutenant Briggs, Fifth Sunday by his coolness.

Indiana Battery, Third Brigade,

Second Division, Twentieth Army Colonel Sweine,commanding

Corps. regiment,says he held his

position on the picket lines

Lieutenant William Zay, Ninety- and captured a pistol from one

ninth Ohio, Third Brigade, Third of General Bragg's escort.

Division, Twenty-first Army

Corps. Colonel Aldrich,commanding

regiment,mentions him for good


Adjutant Hodges, Forty-fourth

Indiana, Second Brigade, Third Mentioned by Colonel Sweine as

Division, Twenty-first Army having volunteered his

Corps. services to march skirmishers

upon the enemy that was

Lieutenant Harrison marching to a certain point,

M. Shuey, Ninty-ninth Ohio, Third and performed efficient

Brigade, Third Division, Twenty- service.

first Army Corps.

Page 96 KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLII.