99 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Sergt. William C. Miles, Company Specially named for good
H, Third Kentucky Cavalry, conduct by Brigadier-General
Second Division, Twentieth Army Johnson.
Sergt. Samuel Goodwin, One Brigadier-General Wood speaks
hundredth Illinois, First of him as having taken the
Division, Twenty-first Army division colors when the
Corps. bearer of them was shot
dawn,and bore them aloft
during the day,remaining with
him all the time.
Sergt. Charles A. Allen, Company Colonel Post says that in the
E, Seventy-fourth Illinois, performance of delicate and
First Brigade, First Division, important duty he displayed
Twentieth Army Corps. much tact and gallantry.
Corp. Dorsey, A. Leimin, Company Colonel Grose,commanding
I, Twenty-fourth Ohio brigade,says of him, "Seeing
Regiment, Third Brigade, Second the bearer of the brigade flag
Division, Twenty-first Army fall,he rushed to it and bore
Corps. it off the field,as he did his
own regimental colors on two
occasions the day before, He
is highly deserving the notice
of the appointing power."
Sergeant S. Jennings, First Mentioned for brave behavior
Missouri Artillery, Second by Colonel Laiboldt.
Brigade, Third Division,
Twentieth Army Corps.
Corp. Jesse R. Dodd, Thirty-first Both complimented by
Indiana, First Brigade, Second
Brigadier-General Cruft forDivision, Twenty-first Army gallant conduct in seizing the
Corps. colors of their regiments upon
Corp. James J. Holliday, the fall of their color-
Ninetieth Ohio.............. bearers and bravely bearing
them during the rest of the
Sergt. Major Major Williams,commanding
E. J. Stivers, Eighty-ninth regiment,says he deserves
Illinois, First Brigade, Second special mention for his
Division, Twentieth Army Corps. bravery.
Sergt. J. Holmes, Company B, Colonel Martin,commanding
Ninety-third Ohio, Third regiment,says of these, "Their
Brigade, Second Division,
coolness,bravery,andTwentieth Army Corps. determination,who were wounded
slightly,but remained with
Corp. George Rosscoe, Company C, Ninety-third Ohio. their companies and ........
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Corp. G. W. Gifford, Company C, Colonel Martin,commanding
Ninety-third Ohio. regiment,says of these, "Their
determination,who were wounded
slightly,but remained with
their companies and performed
duty,deserve special mention."
Sergt. Major Stanley G. Pope, Captain Powell,commanding
regiment,makes special mentionSixty-fifth Ohio, Third of these for general good
Brigade, First Division, conduct-the first deserving
Twenty-first Army Corps. special credit for his efforts
to keep the men together; the
First Sergt. Samuel P. Snider, second,commanding a company,
Company D, Sixty-fifth Ohio. for his bravery in leading his
men;and the third,color-
Sergt. G. W. Hariam, Company B, bearer, for bravely facing the
Sixty-fifth Ohio. storm of bullets,and on being
severely wounded continuing at
his post until ordered to the
Colonel Wiley,commanding
regiment,says, "For pursuing
two prisoners,who took refuge
Corporal Strock, Company E, in a house when the regiment
Forty-first Ohio, Second repelled the last charge on
Division, Twenty-first Army Saturday afternoon,he deserves
Corps. special mention."
Sergt. Major Isaac D'Isay, Captain Smith,commanding
Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, Third regiment,specially mentions
Brigade, First Division, them for gallant and
Fourteenth Army Corps.
meritorious conduct.Sergt. R. W. Evans, Eighteenth
U. S. Infantry, Third Brigade,
First Division, Fourteenth Army Lieutenant-Colonel Embree,
Corps. commanding regiment,says he
proved himself worthy of
Sergeant-Major Fowler, Fifty- promotion.
eighth Indiana, First Division,
Twenty-first Army Corps. Lieutenant-Colonel Embree,
commanding regiment,says that
though sick and almost unable
Sergeant Miller, Company K, to move about the field,he
Fifty-eighth Indiana, First stood bravely to his post.
Division, Twenty-first Army
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Sergeant Miller, Company C, Lieutenant-Colonel Langdon,
First Ohio, Third Brigade, commanding regiment,specially
Second Division, Twentieth Army mentions him for gallant
Corps. conduct.
Sergt. William Duncan, Company Colonel Swaine,commanding
C, Ninety-ninth Ohio, Third regiment,says he deserves the
Division, Twenty-first Army warmest praise for his
Corps. gallantry and coolness,holding
the colors aloft during
retreat, that the men might
Sergt. Major D. R. Cook, Forty- Major Gray,commanding
ninth Ohio, First regiment, mentions him for
Brigade, Second gallantry.
Division, Twentieth Army Corps.
Captain Huston,commanding,says
Corp. William Murphy, Company I, when the color-bearer was shot
Fifth Kentucky, Third Brigade, he seized the flag and
Second Division, Twentieth Army thenceforth bore it.
Sergt. L. Schile, Third Brigade, Colonel Berry,commanding,
Second Division, Twentieth
mentions them for goodArmy Corps. conduct.
Sergt. Thomas Dunn............ Colonel Martin,commanding,
specially mentions him for
Sergt. J. H. Parks, Company D, good conduct.
Ninety-third Ohio, Third
Brigade, Second Division, Colonel Martin,commanding,
Twentieth Army Corps. mentions him as having
remained upon the field after
Sergt. Major O. M. Gottschall, being wounded.
Ninety-third Ohio, Third
Brigade, Second Division,
Twentieth Army Corps.
Sergt. Thomas J. Myers, Battery Lieutenant Smith,commanding
I, Fourth U. S. Artillery, Third battery,specially mentions
Division, Fourteenth Army them for gallantry.
Sergt. Charles Ellis, Battery I,
Fourth U. S. Artillery, Third
Division, Fourteenth Army