Today in History:

937 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I


Question. At what time did the command break?

Answer. It was about 12 o'clock in the morning.

Question. At what time did General McCook meet General Morton and the guide of General Rosecrans?

Answer. I do not know particularly at what time; it was during the excitement of rallying the troops that General McCook was separated from his command.

Question. Were you or ny other staff officer sent to look for General Rosecrans?

Answer. I was not, and I do not know of any other officers being sent.

Question. At what time did you reach Chattanooga with General McCook?

Answer. About 4.30 to 5 o'clock. I judge merely by the time elapsing between our arrival and nightfall.

Question. Did you see General Rosecrans immediately?

Answer. No, I did not; because I did not accompany General McCook to General Rosecrans' house.

Question. Did General McCook see him immediately?

Answer. I presume he did. I saw several of his personal staff officers in the town. I went to the adjutant-general's office.

Question. When did General McCook learn when and where his troops had been rallied, after he arrived in Chattanooga?

Answer. I can't say, but it is my impression that he learned on the way to Chattanooga that General Davis had rallied his command, and joined it to the Tenth Ohio.

Question. After you arrived at Chattanooga, were you or any other staff officer sent out to learn what had become of General McCook's command?

Answer. I was not, and I do not know of any one that was. After arriving at Chattanooga, General McCook went to General Rosecrans' headquarters.

By General McCOOK:

Question. Did you meet or see Captain Sheridan, of General Sheridan's staff, in rear of the battle-field?

Answer. Yes; but I do not remember the time or place.

Question. What instructions did General McCook give him?

Answer. I cannot say; I did not hear.

Question. What report did Captain Sheridan make to General McCook?

Answer. I did not hear him.

Captain BEVERLY D. WILLIAMS, aide-de-camp to General McCook, being duly sworn, says to questions.

By the COURT:

Question. Were you with General McCook's command on the 20th September?

Answer. I was.

Question. What time did the command break?

Answer. It was between 11 and 11.10 o'clock that the troops of General Davis, under General McCook, gave way. I fix time thus definitely because an order