6 Series I Volume XLVII-II Serial 99 - Columbia Part II
Page 06 | Chapter LIX. OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. |
Mr. Barclay, former consul at New York, representing Mr. Moli- neux, formerly consul here but absent since a long time, called on me in person with reference to cotton claimed by English su1~jects. He seemed amazed when I told him I should pay no respect to consular certificates, and that in no event would I treat an English subject with more favor than one of our own deluded citizens, and that for my part I was unwilling to fight for cotton for the benefit of Englishmen openly engaged in smuggling arms and instruments of war to kill ns; that on the contrary it would afford inc great satisfaction to conduct my army to Nassau and wipe out that nest of pirates. I explained to him, how- ever, that I was not a (liplomatic agent of the General Government of the United States, but that my opinion, so frankly expressed, was that of a soldier, which it would be well for him to heed. It appeared also that he owned a plantation on the line of investment of Savannah, which of course is (lestroyed, and for which he expected me to give him some certificate entitling him to in(leinnification, which I declined emphatically. I have adopted in Savannah rules concerning property, severe but just, founded upon. the laws of nations and the practice of civilized governments; and am clearly of opinion that we should claim all the belligerent rights over conquered countries, that the people may realize the truth that war is no childs play. I embrace in this a copy of a letter dated December 31, 1864, in answer to one from Solomon Cohen, a rich lawyer, to General Blair, his personal friend, as follows/v This letter was in answer to specific inquiries. It is clear and specific, and covers all the points, and shonld I leave before my orders are executed I will endeavor to impress upon my successor, General Foster, their wisdom and propriety. I hope the course I have taken in these matters will meet your approbation, and that the President will not refund to parties claiming cotton or other property without the strongest evidences of loyalty and friendship on the part of the claimant, or unless somne other positive end is to be gained. I am, with great respect, your obedient servant, W. T. SIIEI~MAN, ]Jfajor- General, Commanding. HDQRS. MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, In the Field, Savannah, Ga., Janmwry 2, 1865. Licut. Gen. U. S. GRANT, City Point: GENERAL: I have received, by the hands of General Barnard, your note of 26th and letter of 27th December.t I herewith inclose to von a copy of a projet which I have this morning, in strict confidence, dis- cussed with my immediate commanders. I shall need, however, larger supplies of stores, especially grain. I will inclose to you, with this, letters from General Easton, quartermaster, and Colonel Beckwitlm, commissary of subsistence, setting forth what will be required, and trust you will forward themn with your sanction, so that the necessary steps may be taken at once to enablil me to carry out this plan on time. I wrote you very fully on the 24th4 and have nothing to add to that. Everything here is quiet, and if 1 can get the necessary supplies in my wagons I shall be ready to start at the time indicated in my projet, * See Vol. XLIV, p. 846. t See Vol. XLIV, pp 809, 820. t See Vol. XLIV, p. 797.
Page 06 | Chapter LIX. OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. |