Today in History:

52 Series I Volume XLVII-III Serial 100 - Columbia Part III

Page 52 OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. Chapter LIX.

President's orders. General Anderson will be accompanied by such officers of his former command as may be available, and also by a number of invited guests. It is probable also that other visitors may go from New York and other Northern cities. Every proper facility should, therefore, be prepared for landing at Fort Sumter, and also for hearing the address of the Rev. Mr. Beecher. Admiral Dahlgren will receive his instructions from the Navy Department. You will, however, give him a copy of the President's order, and consult with him in regard to arrangements for the ceremonies.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major-General and Chief of Staff.

Hilton Head, S. C., March 28, 1865.

Brigadier General J. A. RAWLINS,

Chief of Staff, Armies of the United States, City Point, Va.:

GENERAL: I have the honor to acnowledge the receipt of Special Orders, Numbers 48, dated headquarters Armies of the United States, City Point, Va., March 10, 1865, upon the subject of trade. * The provisions of that order do not, as I interpret it, in any way affect existing orders and regulations in this department, for not traffic has been engaged in beyodn the lines of actual military occupation since I assumed command, and the trade within the lines has been carefully restricted to the wants of the army and of the inhabitants depending on it for support. Several persons having authority to purchase cotton for the Treasury Department, and bearing the order of the President to pass them and their means of transportation to and fro through the lines, are within my command, awaiting an opportunity to begin operations. Thus far their efforts have been restircted to preliminary negotiations in consequence of the delayes they experience in finding the parties they sought or prented to seek beyond the lines. An "agent for the purchase of the products of insurrectionary States on behalf of the Government of the United States" has been sent here by the Treasury Department with instructions to take post at Fernandina, Fla. All needful military restrictions to prevent supplies reaching the enemy shall be imposed upon trade in that quarter. I have been led to believe that it is the wish of our Government to get possession of as large a quantity as possible of the products of insurrectionary States, especially cotton, so far as it can be done without in any degree giving aid to the insurgents or compromising the success of military operations. It has been states also, on apparently good authority, that the Confederate Government is equally desirous of getting rid of the cotton within their since the fall of Wilmington and Charleston has put a stop to blockade-running on this coast, they are not very particular as to the terms upon which the owners dispose of it. This is not altogether the case, however. The military authorities keep a very careful watch upon all cotton operations, in order to secure to their Government an immediate benefit for every pound that is disposed of. They are willing it should leave their lines, but want to be paid for it in supplies. A military officer is appointed to examine and approve all invoices of cotton sent out, as well as of the goods to be received for it. This I learn


*See Part II, p. 915.


Page 52 OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. Chapter LIX.