Today in History:

80 Series I Volume XLVII-III Serial 100 - Columbia Part III

Page 80 OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. Chapter LIX.

Wilmington, N. C., April 1, 1865.

Brevet Brigadier-General ABBOTT,

Commanding Post at Wilmington:

SIR: The brigadier-general commanding has read with satisfaction your report of your examination of the plantations at Fort Adnerson and vicinity and he renews the instructions given verbally concerning the removal thither of all the surplus negro population at Wilmington, as follows: You will continue to remove thither all negroes who do not find sufficient employment to maintain themselves elsewhere within the limits of your command from time to time as refugees accumulate. He wishes you to recommend, if you know any such person, a man suitable to take charge of the whole until such time as the Government shall be able to send a superintendent of contrabands. You will detail from your command a capable sergeant and ten good men to remain at or near Fort Anderson and supervise the distribution of rations. Let them be instructed to take up a secure position, keep a good lookout, and keep a boat at their control. They can use some of the negroes as pickets at any time when they are suspicious, and the negroes can easily establis communication with neighboring plantations and Union men, so that warning may be given. Permit those negroes who have arms to retain them, unless they are clearly Government property. Not less than ten days' rations should be sent down at a time. If seed corn is needed it can be furnished from certain stores seized. Encourage all to plant as much as they can attent to. Upon your requisition the medical department and the Sanitary Commission will furnish a limited supply of medical stores. The senior medical officer here will be instructed to send a surgeon to visit the colony as often as there may be convenient opportunity. One of the resident physicians under contract would be the best.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General.

April 1, 1865.


Commanding Post, Morehead City:

General Palmer directs me to inform you that several attempts have been made here to-day by unknown persons to burn up the public store house. The commissary warehouse, the forage house, and the railroad bridge west set on fire, but fortunately little damage was done. There is "a Bourbon among us," so be on your guard at your end of the line. Please communicate this to General Easton and other officers in charge of Government stores, as timely information may prevent disaster.

Respectfully, yours,


Assistant Adjutant-General.

In the Field, Goldsborough, N. C., April 1, 1865.

General TERRY, Faison's Depot:

Dispatch received. We must now begin to shape events looking to a forward movement. All stores not needed by you prior to April 10 should

Page 80 OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. Chapter LIX.