Today in History:

467 Series I Volume XXXII-I Serial 57 - Forrest's Expedition Part I


We had not long held the position when Lieutenant Colonel Paul E. Slocum, while gallantly passing to and for along the line encouraging his men, received a severe and dangerous wound in the left breast, and was carried from the field. The command of the regiment them devolved upon myself. The regiment was formed on the top of the ridge, and some temporary works of logs thrown up and the position maintained, notwithstanding we were constantly annoyed by the enemy's sharpshooters throughout the remainder of the day, until about 10 p. m., when the entire brigade was quietly withdrawn and marched back to our former camp at Stone Church, arriving after daylight.

To Adjt. Alf. G. Hunter especially, and to the line officers of the regiment generally, who gallantly discharged their duties throughout the day and sustained me in the trying and responsible situation in which I was by force of circumstances so suddenly placed, I am greatly indebted. Many cases of individual daring and heroism among the enlisted men of the regiment were also exhibited, but want of time and space will not here permit me to particularize them.

Friday, February 26, remained in camp at Stone Church until 11.30 a. m., then marched to Tunnel Hill to support Generals Johnson and Davis while they were withdrawing their forces, where we remained until about 10 o'clock at night. Then returned to our former camp at Chickamauga Creek, where we rested until next day.

Saturday, February 27, about 11 a. m., we again took up the line of march for Ringgold, and passing through the town, pitched our camp on a ridge bordering Chickamauga Creek, our present location.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Captain, Commanding Regiment.

Captain W. B. CURTIS,

Assistant Adjutant-General.

Numbers 25. Report of Colonel Willard A. Dickerman, One hundred and third Illinois Infantry, commanding First Brigade, Department Fifteenth Army Corps.

In the Field, near Catoosa Station, February 27, 1864.

MAJOR: In obedience to circular dated Lee's house, February 26, 1864, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the First Brigade, Detachment Fifteenth Army Corps, in the late reconnaissance near Buzzard Roost Gap, Ga.:

The brigade was composed of the following-named regiments, viz: One hundred nd third Illinois Infantry Volunteers, Asias Willison, major, commanding; Ninety-third Illinois Infantry volunteers, N. C. Buswell, lieutenant-colonel, commanding; Twelfth Indiana Infantry Volunteers, James Goodnow, lieutenant-colonel, commanding; Thirty-second Missouri Infantry Volunteers, A. J. Seay, major, commanding; Ninety-seventh Indiana Infantry Volunteers, David Shelby, captain, commanding; Ninety-ninth Indiana Infantry Volunteers, Josiah Farrar, captain, commanding; and moved from Cleveland, East Tenn., at 5 a. m. on the morning of the 23rd instant,